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cathedrale notre-dame de laon

  • 景点介绍
  • cathedrale notre-dame de laon
  • 景点印象
    • IanHawkes 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This Cathedral is a lovely, peaceful and interesting place to visit. It always amazes me as to how these buildings were built all those years ago.Everything about it is superb.
    • cuisinee 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I had made a quick pit-stop between two trainrides, I had 2 hours to visit on a July sunday in the late afternoon. That is why it was very tranquille, but spectacular. Tip: You can make great pictures of the hill-top cathedral from the trainstation! Climbed the mount on the steep stairs, but 'have been avarded with a magnificent view of tha plain plains of picardy. You can see miles away, despite that I arrived after a huge summer-rain. The cathedral is impressive, worth a visit and had a lovely stroll trough the medieval town of Laon. If you have the occasion like I did, to have those 2 hours to spend there, don't miss it! It didn't cost me a dime extra, but I have been enchanted by magnificent views from uphill and downhill also.
    • RosyTee 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The cathedral is located on a hilltop with fabulous views for miles around. There is a great tourist office next door to the cathedral, well worth popping in to. The cathedral itself is very impressive. There is also a tourist Tram/train which leaves from the cathedral on the hour from 2pm, it gives a great overview of the city.
    • 473RichardG473 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The old upper city of Laon rises out of the plain like a giant St. Michael's Mt. and the only way to get a photo of the cathedral while approaching is to stand in the middle of the road, which is how I nearly got run over. I wouldn't claim to be an expert on church architecture but I understand this gothic cathedral is considered to be second only to Notre-Dame de Paris, which is slightly later. Certainly it is beautiful, the very pale stone makes it feel light and airy. The rose window is stunning. Highly recommended viewing.
    • Peregrinators 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Best cathedral we visited in region - if you are only going to visit one during your stay, this is the one to pick!Try a beer in the cafe opposite - very relaxing!
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