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wwi marine memorial at belleau wood

  • 景点介绍
  • wwi marine memorial at belleau wood
  • 景点印象
    • Zhopa 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      My American partner wanted to see a US military cemetery on our way back through France. I chose Aisne-Marne cemetery at random just because it was close to our route. I'm delighted I did, because I had no idea beforehand what an important site the nearby Belleau Wood is for US military history and the US Marine Corps in particular. This tiny patch of the Western Front counts as the USMC's modern baptism of fire, with more casualties during this short burst of fighting than in its entire previous history - and as a result this is an iconic site with a huge attendance each year on Memorial Day, the US remembrance day. There is a trail through the wood, where you can visit key points in the fighting - but the best introduction is to talk to the curator at the cemetery at the foot of the wood, just in front of the village of Belleau. He can provide trail maps, information on this and other US sites, and plenty more besides including the wealth of US Marine folklore about the site, some of which is based on fact and some not so much. There are only a small number of US WWI cemeteries and memorials in France, and for obvious reasons a lot fewer battle sites to visit than if you are interested in the French, British or Canadian history. But after our visit to Aisne-Marne and Belleau Wood, we would recommend this as the one to go to.
    • padreray 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We arrived at Belleau Wood on a damp, dreary December day. It was a far cry of what would have been experienced by the young Marines on the hot summer days of 1918, but it made the mood of the memorial site and cemetery even more solemn. The approach to the memorial to the Marine Brigade is through the forest; and the small clutch of period artillery pieces and shells that surround monument made a moving setting and one well worth the visit. The cemetery site, and the rows of white crosses (and stars of David), was equally moving with the two tall American flags and the imposing tower of the cemetery building looking down upon them.It was one of the high points of this visit to France, and one worth the visit.
    • Erma_Passenga 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This trip was the highlight of our holiday and the reason why our ex-US Marine son-in-law wanted to visit the area so much. We visited the cemetery, memorial and took a trip around the wood itself with the help of the written guided tour. It was really moving to stand on the hill overlooking the field where more US Marines were slaughtered in one day than had previously died in their entire history - over one thousand casualties in a single day. We stood in the dense, cool woodland overlooking the bright golden cornfield baked by a hot sunny day and it made your skin prickle, we couldn't hear any birdsong or other noise. It is hard to imagine what bravery and courage those men had to overcome their fears and climb that steep hill to defeat their enemy. Of course we had to visit the famous/infamous Devil Dog fountain and our son-in-law drank from it thus increasing his life expectancy by ten years (if you believe the legend). The cemetery is kept in immaculate condition and the lady at the Lodge was very helpful and friendly as was the young lady at the museum. It was poignant to read the names of the dead and think that so many of them had no doubt travelled to the US from Europe to find a better life and then returned to Europe to meet their death.Look out for the marker on the opposite side of the road which marks the extent of the boundary line of the advance on November 1918 and also the little German cemetery just up the road which is in such stark contrast to the impressive glory of the American one. A poignant comment on victory and defeat in war. An absolute must for every American to stop by and pay their respects to their fellow countrymen buried on foreign soil and a moving experience for all of us.
    • junglemcll 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We left Paris from Gare du Est and took the train to Chateaux Thierry. It's only an hour to visit the battleground of Belleau Wood. It's easy to find the Monuments, Cemetary, Marine memorial with scattered cannon and the hotel (Best Western) where Marine groups stay. The hardest find was the "Devil Dog" memorial fountain. First you must find the small village of Belleau and it's Gen. Pershing Museum. The Devil Dog fountain is just across the street. Folks at the Museum must open the locked gate for you gain access to see the fountain.
    • GoodFood88 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      There atop the hill at Belleau Wood, with the bodies of so many young Americans buried below, is a tribute to the Marines, yes, United States Marines, who took part in the battle of Belleau Wood. The trails are lovely and well marked and show the scars of the battle, even today. Well worth the trip.
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