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lorraine american cemetery and memorial

  • 景点介绍
  • lorraine american cemetery and memorial
  • 景点印象
    • mojave 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Very moving. Manicured grounds, beautiful view. I understand that US casulaties in Germany were brought to friendly counries for burial, and theis is the largest resting place, with more than 10 000 tombs.
    • GulliverTom 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The previous comment from the visitor from Perth is unnecessary and unappreciated (What's the GFC?). As if politics from any nation is pretty. The cemetery was closed for a short period of time, is now open again, and quite a humbling site to take in. It's definitely worth your time, and it will take quite some time to walk the grounds and take it all in.
    • 521MikeP 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Difficult to describe. Not really a sightseeing trip. Beautifully kept place and a rightful honour to the men buried there. Makes you think.
    • MKnops 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Beautiful site, paying those who gave their lives for our freedom the full respect they deserve. The least we could to for them.
    • scrapsuzy 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      My great-uncle and 3 of his B24 crew are buried here. When my father and I visited, we were the only visitors at that time, and got there as they opened.The cemetery itself has a nice layout, and the grounds were very peaceful. The spacing of the markers is nice, unlike some we have seen.Our only complaint was the visitor's center. It did not seem to have been updated since the 70's. We had forgotten to bring the print-outs of the 4 graves we wanted to visit. The woman who helped us was very nice, but it was awkward going into her very small (and smoke-filled) office. Also, despite showing her the names we were looking for, she told us twice that one of the graves was not there. We were sure it was and had her look again, while I looked at the screen, too, and that's when I noticed she was misspelling the name. Fortunately we did know for sure he was there... what if we didn't and had been incorrectly told he wasn't there, and gone away?As the only members of our family to ever visit here, it was a very special time. It was overwhelming to realize that even though there are more than 10,000 buried here, this is just one of many WWII cemeteries.
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