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american cemetery

  • 景点介绍
  • american cemetery
  • 景点印象
    • maxinel886 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I had the opportunity to visit the American Cemetery on a school trip and I am so glad I took the chance! You start your visit to the cemetery by going through a small museum that can give you a little background on the history of the American influence in Normandy. There are also some very touching exhibits that are worth a moment of silence before you walk out into the cemetery. I could have spent all day just strolling through the cemetery and exploring what there is to see. My friend brought several American flags that we placed next to some graves. If I had been able to stay for one more hour I would have taken a walk down to the beach. Wheelchairs may need to stay on pathways and find alternative routes, but it will be a worthy trip. There are few to no places to eat so do not plan on eating at the cemetery. My visit was on a rainy day which really set the tone of the cemetery but it is more of an outdoor activity so a rain-free day is probably the desired weather. If you are in Normandy PLEASE visit the cemetery, it is such a reminder of our history as two countries. I would not have missed it for anything.
    • JeepMom05 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      One of the most beautiful places we've seen and extremely humbling! A MUST see for all Americans visiting this area of France. Exquisitely manicured. A very fitting resting place for our men who gave their lives for freedom!
    • 755simona 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We almost stumbled upon this cemetery, having driven close and thought we would pop in! Don't expect a large village fanfare just a few signs, then BAM, you're here. Amazingly well kept, pristine, poignant and a lovely memorial to the fallen American who rest in France, having lost this lives September to November 1918. Time well spent in these tranquil surroundings.
    • PatL339 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Wonderful tribute to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for America. Beautiful and serene, was truly an experience that I will always remember
    • JLFkin 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Quiet and vast cemetery with perfectly manicured gardens and white marble headstones of over 14000 people who died for their country during WW1.The cemetery is like a living monument to honour these people who never made it back home.Rest in peace all who were placed here.
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