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the great patriotic war museum

  • 景点介绍
  • the great patriotic war museum
  • 景点印象
    • emfromsydney 图标 图标 图标

      This museum is located in an unassuming building next to a war memorial sight for soldiers who died in the 2nd World War. Right now it features photographs and exhibits from the 2nd World War and the 2008 War between Georgia and Russia. They also plan to have exhibits from the 92/93 conflict in Abkhazia in the future. More acurate portrayal of events than the Stalin Museum but signs are only in Russian and Georgian. An English speaking guide is available for 5 Lari (in addition to entrance fee), she will explain in great detail so plan to spend a bit of time if you want a guide. Entry without a guide is 3 Lari. Worth a visit.
    • Simon_Pietro1 图标 图标 图标

      Perché nessuna didascalia in inglese???? Muso comunque noioso é ricco di reperti scontati sulla seconda guerra mondiale. Minimo lo spazio sul conflitto del 2008 conto la Russia. A questo dedicherei maggiori spazi
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