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casino of monte-carlo

  • 景点介绍
  • casino of monte-carlo
  • 景点印象
    • chris lingbaoan 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I have not been to any other place where Ferrari is so common. You can also see other ultra expensive cars and you realize that this is the playground of the super rich.
    • CookingwithMrFitz 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Even if you do not agree with the world of gambling you really must include this in a visit .. If you are lucky enough 9i was!).. you can see the opera house inside.. a small version of the paris one.. and the other rooms are just stunning.. this is a great building.. look out for the clock.. i think it is the only casino in the world with a clock inside? and the two rooms that look like they are actually a mirror.. the only thing thats wrong with it? the machines just do not go with the decor!! Oh.. and be careful.. they have orange tables.. I was told that orange makes you gamble more...
    • 673marcels 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The architecture alone is worth the visit. Inside is equally impressive and beautiful. You are allowed to visit inside even if you don't gamble. Go early for free. If you wait until midday when all the tourists show up, you might be asked for a door fee. They do this to keep the crowds down. When you go in, you will be asked to check in your cameras. No pictures are allowed. It is beautiful and shouldn't be missed. It is a historical place for many reasons. It has been in many movies for good reason.
    • colleend113 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I have visited this several times the last being 5 years ago . It is a lovely building to see both interior and exterior. With marble floors and luxurious decor. A few years ago gents would not be admitted without wearing a tie not even just to look around now it seems they have dropped that request however you cannot enter the casino without your passport even to just look around. We didn't have to pay to enter as it was included in our break but I did see other people paying 10 euros I think. Outside you can see the different beautiful cars which adorn the front of the casino which I think I would have paid the 10 euro for.
    • 673nigelr 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The casino itself is absolutely stunning when you walk in, but it was very dead when we went in there. But they have plenty of games to play and a good bar!
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