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jardin des animalier

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  • jardin des animalier
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    • 500MartinP500 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I like to see animals well cared for in open spaces if they have to be kept at all. This mini zoo is on the side of a cliff and the cages and pens are too small and cramped, there were far too many birds in some of the cages and to see some animals in these conditions is really not nice.I would miss this one and we should all write to request that they improve the conditions for the animals.In such an amazing area of extreme wealth and prosperity there is no need to have this token gesture of kept animals, there are so many more amazing things to do don't bother with this one.
    • sally4holidays 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The animals appeared to be badly cared for - with filthy, cramp conditions. Would only go if you had small children as parts are like a 'petting zoo', certainly not for adults.
    • Etranger2all 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Pardonnez, I'm affected. My son nearly lost his finger at this 'zoo'.This spot is really just a trail cut into the cliff of Rocher des Grimaldi with little stalls or caves created to hold the animals. The animals suffer, and so did we.
    • seawife 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This small zoo is, I think aimed more at children. Certainly there were plenty there with their nannies when we went. For a small area there are a surprising number of exhibits, including some animals I'd never seen before (and I can't remember their names), plus wallabies, some unusual birds, and a pair of kinkajous with huge eyes in the nocturnal house. There's even a hippopotamus, which we got a really close look at.
    • 701pauls701 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Lovely collection - used to have a snow leopard which has sadly gone but seems weird to have a hypo basking on the edge of cliff looking over the marina. Animals seem to be well cared for. enjoyed visit been many times in past 12 years
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