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  • ossuary
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    • T4116ETlaurab 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The space is not very big, but it's very interesting to see if you have a little time. I did not find that kind of scene here! Very interesting !
    • giotag601 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I've never seen an ossuary before but I'm absolutely positive that this is the most well preserved and presentable of all. The eerie atmosphere along with the soft spooky music from the (invisible) speakers made that experience unforgettable. The only thing I didn't like was the fact that it was short. I mean too short! And the entrance fee was a bit much for the length of the tour. There were just three chambers and the hallways in between and the guide signs on the walls were not all of them in English. Although we were given a guide sheet that you had to read it before or after the tour since it contained general information about the place. The ladies in the front desk gave us a lot of useful instructions. You can take pictures without flash (use the low light option cause it's quite dark) and it is absolutely forbidden to touch the remains out of respect for the dead and for hygienic reasons! In my opinion this is not a place for kids! If you want to take them though please make sure that they understand the concept and they behave with respect! These are real bones and there is not a protection glass in front of them!
    • IlzeB 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It will not take more then 15 minutes but still impressive. I have not seen such expositions before.
    • simoedomif 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We had already seen a similar ossuary in the cappuccini's catacombs in Rome, but this museum was as well impressive and suggestive. Maybe it's just too small and some information panels in English are missing. Adviced
    • AJM_13 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Easy to miss, accessible through a door at the bottom of some stairs alongside St Jacob's church. Take time to read the info plaques at the entrance before you go in, as once inside, there is nothing but beautiful memorials to the dead. The history of this ossuary is incredible, and what they have done to make it accessible to the public has been beautiful. Certain rooms have been artistically arranged, with artwork, and music that was specially composed. Other spaces have been left exactly as they were found. A humbling and respectful experience, to remind us of our own mortality - and similarities - and make us grateful for today.
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