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botanical gardens (botanisk hage og museum)

  • 景点介绍
  • botanical gardens (botanisk hage og museum)
  • 景点印象
    • xmnicn 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

    • goonermitch 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The gardens are fantastic any time of year but be sure to walk down to the water feature here there is every chance to see Hawfinches.The greenhouses hold tropical treasures and dinosaur footprints there are usually several exhibits inside the buildings in the grounds of the gardens and seasonal attractions like bird song walk, identifying your picked mushrooms and fungi and so on. This is lovely way to spend a Sunday and a little café serving refreshments.So many wonderful species and exhibits from around the world.In the grounds are the natural history museum and geological museum (housing dinosaur exhibits and extensive library of natural history books) one price gives you access to both you can buy a year pass which saves you money if you visit often.Something new to see eve time I go great for old and especially small. Gardens and exhibits in the gardens are free. Museums closed on Mondays.Munch museum is just outside and is a good combination to visit
    • 71tatianas 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I love this place on spring... very colorful and pleasant place for a romantic pic nic. If you wanna a family day it's good too because they have the museums (biology and geology) side by side. Save at least 3 hours to visit them.
    • leetoonastic 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Japanese garden with a small lake and waterfalls a must-see. Perfect place to spend a warm sunny afternoon in Oslo
    • johnmV7709TQ 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Hard to judge a botanic garden when it's February and under deep snow. But looked very worth revisiting in spring or summer. The cosy café at the top of the hill will be good any season - nice layout, nice food, and nice staff.
    • FashionGirl59 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The botanical gardens are a lovely bit of greenery within the city of Oslo. Located right next to the Munch Museum it is a short walk that will probably give you some lovely pictures. There are various paths that curve around the park and gate entrances throughout the park. We took the bus from our hotel near Central Station and it dropped us off just outside the gardens. Since our main goal was to visit the Munch Museum we took a nice stroll through the park. Throughout the park the wildlife is labeled but unless you speak Norwegian it won't do you much good. For me this was not a must see, but it was nice. If you are limited in time I would recommend seeing Frogner Park with all the sculptures; it is more unique.
    • annestroemsn 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Beautiful garden with many lovely flowers,plants and trees. I visited during the tulip season. Loved the colors!
    • GreteM_13 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Botanical Garden of Oslo is situated near by The Much Museum. It celebrated its 200 anniversary this year with an upgrading of the beautiful garden, which is large and peaceful. Living near by, we visit the garden as often as we can, every time experience flowers, herbs and trees at different times of the year.There is a small garden cafe, providing coffee, waffles and cakes.Before Christmas there is a small market in the garden.
    • MPnr1 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The botanical garden is big this time I focused my visit to the Palm house,the Victoria house and Lids hus.Palmehuset has Three diffrent rooms. Mediterranean room has plants from mediterranean area like a Cork tree(piece of cork next to it),orange tree(with oranges) and a fig with fantastic yellow leaves.Evolution room is the big room with plants like big palm trees,pine trees and trees from the dinosaur age,a liane and the beuatiful tree from the Libanon flag.Desert room has plants like Agave(Tequila is made from it),tall cactuses(looks like from western Movie),round cactuses and one cactus on ground looks like big hand with spikes. The Victoria house is like a jungle house with water lilys from Amazonas jungle they are one of the biggest in the world they are in a dam and if you look in to the water there a black fishes lurking.There is also big impressive plant next to dam that is like a screw. In one room there is a big plant next to roof that looks like a moose head.There is also many diffrent meat eating plants,I looked in to there mouths and some of them had insects that were being eaten.There is also a banana tree,papaya,pineapple,vanilla,cocoa,cinnamon,ginger,pepper plant.There is also one plant that smells like rotten meat when it has a flower to attract flies.I was sweating when I left the humidity of the Victoria house :) Lids hus has an exhibition about seeds,soem seeds are hidden in boxes you can see them threw a hole(creepy),one seed was the size of a childs head! Very good to visit these houses when it is cold and dark outside,it is like taking a vacation to a warm country.Best:The Victoria House: a visit to the jungle with a dam and meat eating plants and very helpful women answering my questions and the desert room full of cactuses in all kind of shapes,sizes and spikes.Worst:Some windows needs to bee washed and some plants dont have signs telling what it is,in lids hus there is no mens toilet only womens(hand dryer in there needs service) that is not fair it needs a man toilet.I recommend about 2 hours visiting time and bring camera.
    • Gullklump 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Yes, i'm born in Oslo and have been here maby One Billion Times and ALWAYS felt bored being there.. I can say now that NOTHING will ever be boring about this Garden EVER AGAIN :DJuly 2013 Was the year i started to see the reasons WHY people come here every summer - the pretty flowers, the smell of trees and the fresh and clean air mixed with other nice people ALWAYS saying "hello" as if you knew them.Try it - I's magic :D
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