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church of our lady

  • 景点介绍
  • church of our lady
    The Church of Our Lady in Trondheim was celebrating its 800th anniversary...
  • 景点印象
    • Aneane870 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Always open, always welcoming. This is a place to have a quiet time during a busy day in Trondheim. The doors are always open, so you may have a cup of coffee or just look around inside the church.
    • bendikha 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Nice baroque church in the city centre. Bright and colourful interior. Information should be improved!
    • JohnB266 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We wandered into Vår Frue Kirke on a walk round Trondheim. The plain exterior hides a remarkably ornate interior (well a mixture of mainly plain with over-the-top ornate in places). When we went in there was a small group in the middle of prayer/singing practice, and the cafe area at the back was being well used by local characters who needed some extra help. No-one seemed to mind us wandering in.Good to see it being well used after all this time
    • siri13 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Midt i Tronheim sentrum står denne gamle steinkirka. Den er beskjeden inni, men har flott altertavle og preikestol. Er åpen for alle. Lite info i ne i kirka.
    • MariaS49 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Церковь средневековая, внутренний интерьер лаконичный,очень интересный орган внутри.Не раз там были на концертах, хорошая акустика, очень часто проводят концерты с оркестрами,хорами итд.Рекомендую сходить на концерт!Как-то шла мимо нее, и услышала мелодию Грига вместо боя на часах, очень здорово и сказочно!
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