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  • 景点介绍
  • 里加古城
  • 景点印象
    • joyous1963 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Lovely quaint town with cobbled streets. Lots of cafes, souvenir shops and some craft stalls situated around and about
    • davidhX3487VF 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      First of all I should say that if you are planning to visit Riga Old Town you are going to be made to feel very welcome wherever you go. We decided to visit Riga on a family member's recommendation after talking about our trip to Prague. On returning I can say that while being smaller, the Old Town does have a similar feel and is packed with history and more than enough interesting places to visit.We stayed for 5 days. We picked up a map from our hotel on arrival, and each day we were out after breakfast and spent the day walking around the Old Town and adjoining areas. There was no shortage of things to see and do, even in a cold February, and each day we did not return to our hotel until late evening.As for food and drink, there are plenty of good restaurants serving great food and bars serving excellent local beers.But what I think makes Riga so memorable are the people. Everyone we met was very friendly and helpful. I don't know what your Latvian is like but mine leaves a lot to be desired. I had been able to get the 'hellos pleases and thank yous' etc under my belt, and this turned out to be enough.If you like visiting historical cities, then you can be sure of enjoying yourself in Riga.
    • agnesab 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Old city Riga is a very nice place to go especially if you are looking for a place to just have a walk around. This place offers cafés, museum (possibly) and shops. Overall, if you go to Riga this is a nice place to go with friend or family.
    • Kia932014 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This was first time I was visiting one of the ex Soviet Union country and I wasn't sure, if I like it or not?! They call it "The Paris of the North". You can walk around The Medieval Old City of Riga, and spend all day to see lots of tourist attractions like Miera Street,Rozena Street and Freedom Monument, Nativity Cathedral, St Peter Church and much more. When you're tired of walking on cobbled streets, you can have a rest in one of nice coffee shops or very good restaurants with very price and start again. People are very friendly and happy to help.
    • U2508DRbrianc 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We were unsure what Riga would bring, have seen some indifferent reviews. Read some nonsense about the cobbled streets, safety etc. Riga's Old Town is gorgeous. Lots to do and see. Restaurants and bars a plenty and excellent value for money.
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