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central market (centraltirgus)

  • 景点介绍
  • central market (centraltirgus)
  • 景点印象
    • Loubalou9 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      There are 5 zepplin hangers.each has a different food. I have never ever seen so much meat in one place. The fruit and veg was amazing. Beautifully displayed and such wonderful colours. The fish market has a magnificent amount of smoked fish and the freshest fish you can buy! It is still wriggling on the slab. I found it a little cruel but I suppose it is a cultural thing. Be warned they can flip and splash you. I only hope the ice around them numbs their brains enough to take the stress away
    • Jolyon67 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The central Market in Riga, close to the main train & bus station is more of an attraction than a shopping destination. It is housed in five restored WW1 Zeppelin hangars which were brought here from an airbase close to the border with Lithuania. The market was built between 1924 and 1930 and is a mix of neoclassical and art deco. UNESCO has heritage listed the building. There's 4 in a row along the canal, divided into the fish, veg, gastronomic & milk pavilions. Separate and at right angles is the meat pavilion. When buying snacks you get a piece of paper and take it to the main cash desk in the pedestrianised street between the two parts of the market. It is free to enter but might help having a friend to describe what is on offer. There are a lot of Russian speakers here so a basic knowledge may help.
    • Ronaldo070 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Next to the international bus station you will find this market. It's huge and sells a lot of different things (food, fresh fruit, fish, clothes etc.). The food here is cheap, definitely way cheaper than in the supermarkets (in the supermarkets in Riga you will pay the same prices as in Western-Europe). If you are looking for some cheap food or just some snack, I can recommend this place.
    • 615ollieb 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The central market is impressive and gives an authentic feel for what it might be like to live in Riga both now and 50+ years ago. I wouldn't necessarily recommend the Central Market for souvenir hunters or families with small children looking for some Latvian charm, but it's different than anything I had seen before and definitely worth the trip.
    • besidesperfect 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This should be under attraction and Not for shopping. It's just amazing of what you see there. Will find anything you are looking for.
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