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scavi di egnazia - museo

  • 景点介绍
  • scavi di egnazia - museo
  • 景点印象
    • LondonHedonist 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Best to start with the excellent little museum although everything is in Italian only. The signs amongst the ruins are in Italian and English. The ruins are in three parts - necropolis, city and acropolis. The acropolis was closed when we visited. You can only walk around the perimeter which has good signs - no clambering in the ruins.
    • NZDAY 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Egnacia is easy to overlook in Italy where there are so many ruins of ancient cities. This one, however, dates back to the Bronze Age and has a continuous history up to the very end of the Roman Empire. It may be better to go through the excellent museum before you walk around the large site. Admittedly, the explanations are mainly in Italian only but it is not too difficult to get the general thrust of the exhibits and the history of the city.
    • 590bobb 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The visit is divided into three sections. To the right of the Museum is the necropolis used for burials by a succession of cultural horizons. Each section of this relatively small area has good signage with photos in Italian and English. The Museum proper is modern with good illumination, signage, and wonderful displays. The collection was more extensive than we imagined, and required more time than originally planned. At some distance from the museum (the path is not very well marked) is the large, archaeological site bounded by the sea and the Messapian walls. Here again each section has its own sign, often illustrated, in English and Italian so that one can readily understand what one is looking at despite the fact that most of the remains extend no higher than about one's waist.
    • AlessandroM506 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is my third visit but for the first time with the entire family. We were really excited to visit the renewed museum and recent discoveries unearthed thanks to the work of the students of the Bari University. We all really enjoyed the immersion in the history of Egnazia and life over the centuries there. The display of a recently discovered gold ring, beautifully decorated and cleaned to look brand new, was amazing for the four of us! The walk around the Roman City and the necropolis was really enjoyable. Still lots of parts need to be dug so will keep going back! At just €3 per adult (kids go for free) and with free "open evenings" during the summer, this is a real steal!!
    • jotenn 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The ancient city of Egnazia and the necropolis next to it are well worth a visit if you are in Puglia. This site is probably the largest and best restored ancient city in Puglia, and although it also has a museum, it was closed for renovations at the time of our visit in mid June. Strategically located along the coast about midway between Bari and Brindisi, Egnazia was originally settled a millinium before Christ by the Messapians, a local tribe that fortified the city with walls that can still be seen. The city was subsequently occupied and modified by the ancient Greeks and then the Romans beginning in the second century BC. Restoration work lets you see the layout of the city from a catwalk above the site, and you can actually enter an underground storehouse where some of the cities provisions were kept. The necropolis nearby is also interesting, and two underground tombs with paint still visable on the walls can also be entered.
    • Taormina08 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Don't miss this excavation of an old messapien (later on greek and roman) city. A wonderful site, well excavated and descripted, so that one could understand the city plan. You can also see a piece of the old trajan road. Now they restore the therme. Unfortunately the little museum was closed (because of prepairing a new exhibition, and like always in the south it takes much more time than planned). The museum offers - when open - really interesting artefacts and findings.It is a pleasure to stroll through the ruins (apart from July and August never overcrowded) and feel the breeze of the nearby ocean.
    • BAM73 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A wonderful site with well excavated ruins and a nice museum. Many school children here for part of our visit.
    • vanessaa99 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      È inserito in un piacevole contesto naturalistico ambientale tra una distesa di ulivi ed il mare. La città di Egnazia ebbe grande importanza nel mondo antico per la sua posizione geografica, grazie al porto e alla via Traiana. Le mura di difesa....le necropoli con le varie tipologie di tombe...affreschi... solo in parte si conservano le vestigia risalenti alla fase romana. Notevoli i resti della via Traiana della basilica civile con l'aula delle tre grazie. Sacello delle divinità orientali. Anfiteatro. Piazza porticata e tanto altro. Il museo incredibile... percorso articolato in 7 sezioni tutte affascinanti. Consiglio una visita con guida per goderne a pieno!
    • RinoBIROTAteam 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Piccolo gioiello sul mare. Molto economico l'ingresso, bello e ben tenuto il piccolo museo, i cui reperti sono illustrati da personale competente. Gli scavi sono interessanti, con un paio di ipogei interessanti ma con un percorso non perfettamente segnalato. Abbastanza esauriebti i cartelli esplicativi. Vale alla grande la visita
    • Laraeludo 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Con la famiglia per caso mi sono imbattuta in questo sito archeologico.Gli scavi presentano solo le fondamenta della città che fu quindi appaiono avvastanza spogli.Il museo invece è una perla inaspettata, ricchissimo di reperti molto ben disposti e ben conservati in numerose sale.Consiglio di non lasciarselo sfuggire, poco pubblicizzato ma merita.
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