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tarot garden (giardino dei tarocchi)

  • 景点介绍
  • tarot garden (giardino dei tarocchi)
  • 景点印象
    • CherylA53 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I've been to the Tarot Garden several times as it is quite extensive and can't all be taken in at once. Nikki de St Phalle was a remarkable sculptress who was able to share her inner world with others through magnificent manifestations of unbelievable dimensions. I enjoyed her interpretations of the major arcana of Tarot, most specifically, the Empress, which was a domicile for her and her husband for quite a few years. The detail of the mosaic in contrast to the size of the pieces is quite mind boggling. Be sure when you visit, to bring an umbrella or something for shade as it can become quite hot and there is not a lot of coverage for the entire 9 acres. Also, do try to buy one of the books about her life as the context makes the art even more meaningful. Very much worth at least one visit. Teens will especially like this attraction! Enjoy….
    • VacayStay 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Expensive, buggy and yet it is pretty amazing to think one person spent so many years making these crazy structures.
    • Llinderose 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Fantastic, so unique and such a lot of magical inspiration and hard work. !!! Just about the right size to get lost in and yet not spread out over too wide an area. Be careful to go down all the paths as it can be easy to miss hidden things. I loved the tower and the empress the best. Don't miss it. !!!
    • 639mayraf 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Nikki de St Phalle's Tarot Garden near Capalbio in Tuscany is a splendid sight for jaded eyes. The huge mosaic figures are delightful to walk through and enter, a whimsical land of color and light. After a first walk-through, one begins to think more deeply about the ideas, workmanship, and design of the spectacular garden and still marvel at the sheer artistry of the place. It is well worth a visit to thisbeautiful area of Tuscany.
    • Urban_Lundback 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Tarot Garden is not a very well known art park. Take a chance to see it if you are near! If you have small children bring them, they will love it.Best is if you know nothing about it beforehand. It will be a pleasant surprise.Please note that it opening hours are 2.30-7.30 pm and that it is closed from Oct 15th to April 1st.Also note that it is not situated in the village Capalbio but closer to E80/SS1.Directions from Google map:https://www.google.com/maps/place/Il+Giardino+dei+Tarocchi/@42.42568,11.467061,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x1328f09296fa96e9:0x16d6671085e84485?hl=en
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