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le ville di ravello

  • 景点介绍
  • le ville di ravello
  • 景点印象
    • meganc708 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A small village full of magic, enchanting views from many terraces and two wonderful and cozy villas.Wonderful !!!!
    • midask17 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This was on my Italian Bucket list and it did not disappoint. The views are spectacular and the grounds of the villas wonderful. To top it off we had a great meal in an unassuming restaurant slightly off the central plaza. A trip to Ravello should be high on everyone's list.
    • 615carolyng 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We visited twice eight years apart and found it unspoilt and fabulously relaxing. The pace is slow because of the lack of vehicles and everyone seems happy and simply delighted to be there!
    • Wendy119186363 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A lovely town, spacious in places then you have the winding streets to wander along. It is billed as the "city of music" and certainly the Villa Rufulo commands many fine musicians and orchestras. If you are going to visit, check the website to check the listings. Fine views across to Scala, the oldest town in Amalfi. You can easily walk to Scala from here - less than 2km and steps remove some of the hairpin bends.Plenty of bars/restaurants/enoteca.There are buses to Amalfi and Scala.
    • 174gabrielaf 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Ravello has one of the most beautiful view in the world, the village and very peak but is a great example of small italian town. The villas are beautiful with their lovely gardens and with views of the sea from above. Do not forget to pay a visit!
    • NZSpursFan 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Ravello is difficult to get to as there is only one road in and out, but it's well worth a visit. It is one of the highest towns on the Amalfi coast and overlooks Minori (which is hundreds of metres below). There is a large square with the Cathedral on one side of it. Musicians play most of the day, so there's plenty of entertainment. Shops can be found down winding alleyways and are very quaint. If you want a beach holiday, you wouldn't stay in Ravello, but the views of the Amalfi coast are superb.
    • doras391 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Ravello is a very small village, nestled between the mountains and difficult to achieve, perhaps for these reasons it is an attractive location, full of fascinating history and extraordinarily romantic. I recommend everyone who wants to visit the Amalfi Coast to stop at least for one night.
    • 191milenab 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Non ha prezzo passeggiare tra le viuzze di questa cittadina. Elegante e pulita, signorile ed allo stesso tempo ospitale. La posizione è a dir poco eccezionale.D' obbligo la visita delle due ville, Rufolo e Cimbrone. Consigliatissima
    • Avrillina87 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      è un pò come tornare indietro nel tempo.queste ville ricordano tanto quella belle epoque in cui duchi e signorotti ricchi passavano le loro giornate ad amoreggiare seduti sulle panchine di un giardino.la vista è mozzafiato. Di per sè la costiera ha un suo perchè..ma Ravello,come altre indubbiamente,ha rapito sicuramente una parte del mio cuore.
    • HappyGirl60 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Local lindo, belo, pra se admirar incansavelmente! Jardins belissimos, de um equibrio de cores, formas e contraste com o mar ...meu Deus! Uma visã para não esquecermos mais.
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