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lava dom

  • 景点介绍
  • lava dom
  • 景点印象
    • RiddiSue 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Lava Dome museum was great for the kids (light show recreating a volcanic eruption, pretend news bulletin, rocks to touch with info about 4 eruptions and lots of scientific hands-on models) and informative for the adults. Then we took the guided tour into the old basalt mines created from the lava flows of the volcano. Interesting intro to the area and volcanos in particular. Audio guide in English made it easy for the children to understand the museum but guided tour of mine only in German so it was a little long for them.
    • Justis11 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I enjoyed this museum. The museum itself has some really well done exhibits about the local volcano and what would happen when it explodes. You don't need a lot of time to go through- maybe 30 minutes max. The cave is what's really cool!! The tour was in German and we speak no German, but it was still interesting. A little but long and would not be that exciting for children after a while. be prepared- it's cold down there! Always about 8C. So take a jacket and enjoy.
    • Redsilence 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Relative expensive and quite long if you want to do (or see) everything. In my opinion a bit too much of the good thing.
    • Mamachoco 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The museum tells you the story of the area and volcanism. There's a little film and special effects presentation to give you an idea of what that massive eruption must have been like. And plenty of information about geology, other big volcanoes around the world, and an area where you can do little experiments and look at various volcanic rocks with a magnifying glass.The best part was the tour of the basalt quarry underneath the town of Mendig. Our guide was a local student, who made the tour interesting and was able to answer all questions. Bring a cardigan, as it is quite cool down there. You get a helmet and rain coat before you walk down into the quarry. If you're not very fit, you can take a lift instead of walking down, and later up, about 250 steps. I am not sure if they do tours in any other language than German, but you can always ask them for a quick summary in English afterwards. It's definitely worth seeing the basalt columns.
    • Fangthewonderdog 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The actual museum is a little small, but packed with info and interactive exhibits, so worth a visit. The introductory film/experience is all in german, but do go into it as the volcanic explosions are worth seeing/feeling! There's also a trip down into an old basalt mine, effectively the heart of a volcano..... this is dark, cold, long, with a tour giude who only does german. But we still enjoyed ourselves and would do it again. Some things you just gotta see.Good free parking, people on the front desk who speak english, and a nice little gift shop too.
    • vicescape 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Een bezoek aan de "Lavadome" loont echt de moeite.Vooral de bazaltkelders en de 3D-filmpjes imponeerden.De wandeling door het openluchtmuseum gaf ons een goed beeld van de tijd toen Mendig nog het centrum was van de basaltontginning.De moeite waard!
    • Flandrien 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Het bezoek aan de Lava Dome was zeer interessant en verrijkend. We hadden een goede gids, die ons met veel kennis van zaken de vulkaanuitbarsting vertelde. Ook de wetenschap,dat het meer van Maria Laach ontstaan is door een vulkanische uitbarsting was nieuw voor ons. Het ontstaan van de vulkaan-Eifel werd met een heus "klank en lichtspel" duidelijk gemaakt. Het bezoek aan een klein openluchtmuseum en vooral het bezoek zelf aan een basaltkelder, 34 m onder de grond, was uitermate boeiend.
    • 737andreasf 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Alles Spitze. Zeit mitbringen um alle Infos zu lesen.Sehr interessant und lehrreich. Auch der Besuch unter Tage.Einfach Spitze.
    • 882michaelr 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Gut das Museum ist mehr etwas für die Kinder, aber trotzdem auch für Erwachsene gibt es viel zu sehen. Die Multi-Meda Show ist spitzenklasse. Danach geht es mit einem sehr kompetenten Führer in die "Unterwelt" von Mendig. Es ist ein sehr informativer und kurzweiliger Ausflug, ca. 30m unter die Erde. Man lernt wie unsere Vorfahren (ist gar nicht so lange her) schuften mussten. Insgesamt ein schönes Erlebnis für jmung und alt.
    • viaducMoresnet 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Das muss man einfach sehen, geschichte der Vulkaneifel und lehrreich.Im inneren unter der Erde wurden mühlesteine gemeisselt und auch dienten die Lavakeller zur Lagerung von Bier. Es Gab damals in die Zwanzig Brauereien die sich dort angesiedelt hatten um das Bier kühl zu halten in den feuchten und kühlen Lavakellern
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