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friedrich ebert memorial (gedenkstatte)

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  • friedrich ebert memorial (gedenkstatte)
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    • abc2015 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Found this really interesting. Not interactive but lots of displays. Can't recall it being very expensive. A little bit of history to add to the sightseeing.
    • 970rileym 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      If you've got any interest in German politics or the Weimar Republic, this museum is a must-visit. It's located in the flat Ebert was born in, in the Heidelburg Old Town - not too far off from the castle. The museum takes in the flat he was born in (done up with late 19th century furnishings,) which is worth visiting in it's own right. The permanent exhibition tells the story of Ebert's life and times - his birth, education, entry into SPD politics, role in the first world war, and presidency in the Weimar Republic. The context of the time is also included, so you're given a great historical portrait of Ebert the man, and his times.This story is told very well - as someone who kew a little about the Weimar Republic, but very little about Ebert the man, I learned a lot. The permanent exhibition is captioned in German (I doubt they get many English-speaking visitors,) but an audioguide (in English) is available for free. There's no cost to enter the museum or for the audioguide.
    • 匿名 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Relevant to Heidelberg and unearthing little-known details of early German mass politics, this is a hidden treasure of a museum. Situated in Ebert's birthplace home, this free museum takes you through his rise from poverty to first President of the Weimar Republic and champion of liberal democracy and social progress against the looming extremes of left and right in 1920s Germany. Well worth it.
    • NWDandJND 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I knew very little about Friedrich Ebert until we arrived here two months ago but he deserves greater recognition. His family home serves as his memorial. You can also visit his grave in the beautiful Bergfriedhof cemetery. The first president of the new German republic (1919-25) he played an important role in the Weimar Republic until his tragic early death. What course might German history have taken had he lived longer? A small and intimate museum but very centrally situated near the town centre. This man of humble origins deserves greater recognition.
    • friedemannn2015 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Das Museum besteht aus zwei Teilen, zum einen der original Wohnung der Ebert-Familie und zum anderen aus einem historisch sehr detailliert & informativ aufbereiteten Museumsteil, welcher über die politischen Entwicklungen Europas ab ca. 1860-1930 informiert. Insgesamt sehr sehenswert, auch wenn man wenig Zeit mitbringt.
    • Aaah123 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Vous allez me prendre pour un fou mais ce musée gratuit est pour moi incontournable ! Nous ne pensions pas y aller, ne sachant pas même qui était ce Friedrich Ebert. Mais finalement, le musée retrace très intelligemment le parcours de Ebert. Une vraie leçon d'histoire dans une belle maison. Les panneaux sont exclusivement en allemand mais accessible à tous... Prévoir une heure ou deux pour apprécier chaque pièce, chaque moment de l'histoire et de l'Histoire ! A faire absolument !!
    • PPCI-BG 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Di Ebert padre (non il “Fritz” Ebert politico della Germania Est che tanti conoscono ed era suo figlio) conoscevo la storia e sapevo che era stato il primo presidente tedesco ma anche una figura controversa per tanti aspetti ed ero curioso di visitare questo memoriale realizzato nella sua casa natale. Ma, come spesso succede visitando le abitazioni dei personaggi storici, anche questa dice poco se non che è la casa di un sarto che viveva con moglie e cinque figli in meno di cinquanta metri quadri. Forse aiuta a capire la storia ma non è una attrazione imperdibile.
    • IsaacR968 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      O museu, que funciona no lugar de nascimento do Presidente Friedrich Ebert, proporciona um excelente panorama da história da Alemanha, desde os primórdios da República de Weimar, no início do séc. XX. Programa obrigatório para quem curte História.
    • Konstantin4321 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Gehört zum Stadtrundgang und ist in jedem Fall sehenswert. Kostenloser Eintritt. Zeigt, wie beengt man noch vor 100 Jahren lebte. Liebevoll eingerichtet.
    • Stadel 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Man erhält ganz tolle Einblicke ins Leben von Reichspräsident Ebert, aber dadurch auch generell in den damaligen, recht beengten Alltag. Sehr empfehlenswert von da her.
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