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astronomical clock

  • 景点介绍
  • astronomical clock
  • 景点印象
    • BronJ327 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Wonderful clock, worth visiting as the clock is coming up to the hour. With the bells from Killians Kirche across the road, chiming at the same moment, it makes the marking of time quite fun to experience. Friday is a popular day for weddings in the Rathaus below and so a good day if you looking for a little spectacle. Four weeks before christmas, there is a permanent Christmas market open from late morning until well in to the evening.
    • J11P33 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      What was the foss about it?? Didn't quite catch the point of it...There was really nothing to see! For whom the bell tolls??
    • docm74 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This attraction was one of the coolest things I saw on this whole trip. I know it's touristy and I know that it might be cliche, but see it. It is wonderful.
    • gardener1920 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      you can sit in the square and have coffee or a meal and listen and watch the bells. a central part of the town were you can sit and watch the world go by. you can see the trams some are painted. the day we were there they were fitting bakes with small motors and showing people how to repair bikes
    • IanW884 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Heilbronn has a small handful of interesting buildings but overall is nothing to write home about architecturally. This astronomical clock goes a way to alleviating the disappointment. It's a massive, three-tier clock which not only tells the time but shows the month, position of the sun, astrological position, etc. Of course, the time is the only thing you really need to know but it is comforting to see that the clock agrees with what you know about the month and the state of the daylight.Do try and see it just before the hour - it has life-size angel-figures which play the trumpet and wave scrolls about and then above the top tier is a proper bell which another figure strikes. Great fun, really.
    • sofietravel 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      join Clock and try tradionional Restaurant and food of this region in "Ratskeller", enjoy the view at the terrace....
    • Amandita_BR 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      O relógio astronômico está incrustado na frente da prefeitura da cidade. É bem detalhado, mostrando o mês, posição dos planetas, além das óbvias horas. É bonito, diferente, dá pra ficar sentado na praça vendo, literalmente, o tempo passar...
    • De_Gustativo 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      De una gran belleza, sus carillones son muy originales.... A ver imperativamente encima del Rathaus! (Ayuntamiento)
    • Valerie_E_67 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Sur une chouette bâtisse qui n'est autre que la mairie, l'horloge est sympa à voir. Juste derrière une magnifique église.
    • Praesi 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Selbst für einen eingesessenen Bürger der Stadt ist die astronomische Uhr am Rathaus immerwieder ein Erlebnis. Jeweils zur vollen Stunde bewegt sich irgendeine der Figuren - mittags um12:00 sind es z.. die Ziegenböcke - es kräht der Hahn usf.Obwohl im Krieg fast ganz Heilbronn zerstört wurde hat man das Rathaus und damit auch die berühmte Kunstuhr wieder aufgebaut. Auf dem Rathausplatz/Marktplatz findet 2 mal die Woche(i.d.R. Mi und Sa) ein gut besuchter Obst- und Gemüsemarkt statt. Und natürlich ist auch der Heilbronner Ratskeller als gehobenes Restaurant immer einen Besuch wert.Linkerhand des Marktplatzes lockt übrigens ein weiteres Kleinod der Stadt, das berühmte Käthchenhaus mit Erker.
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