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catacomb of saint dimitrious

  • 景点介绍
  • catacomb of saint dimitrious
  • 景点印象
    • GLennox 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Seeing the basement of the church and the layers of Roman and later history is quite interesting. This is one of those "repurposed" roman sites.
    • 234bobr 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Not being Greek Orthodox this church and catacombs are a MUST see in Thessaloniki. The story is that when they found St James body it smelled of perfume and I can assure you in the alcove where his ashes are kept that is all you smell it is beautiful . Go under the church and you will find the catacombs where he was found. Even if you are not religious this may change your mind.
    • 135Eleni 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      What a magnificent church dedicated to the memory,martyr and patron saint of ThessalonikiHas an amazing history as it has been destroyed and rebuilt several times - the last being in 1917 after the great fire that destroyed most of the cityIt dates back to the 5th C. After the fall of Constantinople (now Istanbul) the church was converted to a mosque by the Turkish rulers and once the city was liberated it was again an orthodox place of worshipThe crypt houses a magnificent museum with the different sculptural decorations of the temple's historyWe had taken the hop on hop off bus which stops by the church We lit candles and a coin donation when entering and then proceeded to look at all the amazing iconografic works inside this place of worship - wall frescos and portable icons. It was filled with people / locals and tourists coming to reflect, pray and admire.One thing which was confronting and certainly have never encounted before was people begging inside the churchMaybe a sign of the tough economic times that Greece is going throughWell worth a visit and then walk to ancient Roman Agora, close by to church of Panagia Chalkeon, the Modiano market and into Aristotelous St & Square all the way down to Nikis Ave and theThermaikos GulfA beautiful walk with lots to see on way and also to stop for food and refreshmentsRecommend good walking shoes if wanting to explore what Thessaloniki has to offer
    • PeterSilvainMooij 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A must see place in Thessaloniki wonder catacombes under the curch, wonderfull architecture nicely restored
    • dimil2014 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      To be found under the church, it is quite sure that the Catacomb of the church is going to impress everyone going there.
    • sofyap696 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      На территории действующей церкви (Собор Св.Димитрия), вернее - под ней, ведутся раскопки здания, являющегося основой настоящего строения. Красива сама церковь - большая, вся в золоте, много икон, мощи святых. Загадочности ей добавляют катакомбы - можно спуститься до определенного уровня, посмотреть на древние стены сооружения.
    • georgiag292 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Εαν πατε θεσσαλονικη ενας απο τους προορισμους που πρεπει να επισκεφθειτε οπωσδηποτε ειναι ο ναος του Αγιου Δημητριου..μεγαλοπρεπεις..οπωσδηποτε μην παραλειψετε την κατακομβη..αξεχαστη εμπειρια..
    • 777arinae 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Вдоволь налюбовавшись базиликой Святого Дмитрия, чьи мощи покоятся там же,стоит заглянуть и в катакомбы. Особо примечательного в них ничего нет, но толпы туристов идут туда другом за другом. Возможно, это будет интересно очень религиозным людям. Там есть рака для сбора мира - пожалуй, единственное любопытное место. Темно, мрачно - как и полагается такому месту.
    • sofiamkc 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Η είσοδος της κρύπτης βρίσκεται δίπλα από τον δεξιό πεσσό του ιερού βήματος και οδηγεί στο χώρο εκείνο που σύμφωνα με την παράδοση φυλακίσθηκε, μαρτύρησε και τάφηκε ο Άγιος Δημήτριος. Πρόκειται για το ανατολικό τμήμα του μεγάλου ρωμαικού λουτρού που βρισκόταν κοντά στην αγορά και το στάδιο για την εξυπηρέτηση των αθλητών.Δευτέρα 12:30-19:00/ Τρίτη-Κυριακή 10:00-20:00/ Παρασκευή 08:30-24:00
    • savvpan11 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Μοναδική εμπερία, το κατέβασμα στην κατακόμβη. Οι επιγραφές καλές και το περπάτημα στους υπόγειους χώρους μια μοναδική εμπερία.
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