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alpine coaster

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  • alpine coaster
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    • Meshal 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Don't miss it, great ride my kids loved it.Try to arrive early to avoid the crowd.Your not allowed to slide with back pack so leave it in the car or it will be sent down with the lift.My daughter age 8 had trouble with the ride as she got tired punching the handle forward. She should have ridden with an adult.There is an excellent cafe next to ticket office. The ice cream was great.
    • MandyJ2012 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Try goin g when it isn't busy, and watch who goes in front of you... If they are using a number system and you're doing multiple rides (you get a number when you get to the top) then get new numbers just before you board your ride. This way, you don't have to wait for subsequent rides. If you're hesitant about speed (like me) you'll likely go a bit too slow on the first ride... by the third time, I wasn't using the brakes at all... way more fun!
    • OdedH_13 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      In the morning we got to Imst. Roller Coster considered the number one attraction in the area. Indeed long slides And possibly enjoyable, When there are fewer crowded. Get really early in the morning - otherwise might skip it. Not cheap.And I almost forgot. I went with a backpack. A person can not get on the slides with a backpack. So why not put a big sign down and to enable luggage storage?
    • WH158 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      On a nice day this would be fantastic, but to wait almost 3 hours at the top only to be pelted in the face with rain as you descend was a bit anti-climatic
    • Reisky5 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We all had a blast on the sommerrodelbahn, and especially the Monster Bikes. This is the best place for Monster Bikes because of long gravel path, which is much better than paved paths you find at other places.
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