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kaiser villa

  • 景点介绍
  • kaiser villa
  • 景点印象
    • Zym989 图标 图标 图标 图标

      As another reviewer mentioned, it is indeed poignant to see the table on which Emperor Franz-Josef signed the declaration that commenced World War I. As a keen history lover, that sight alone would have been worth a visit, not to mention learning about the conscientious yet austere routine of the Emperor and how he consequently neglected his Queen, Sissy. For all of Franz-Josef's dedication to his country and countrymen, his estranged wife was killed in Italy by a mad anarchist, his son became crazy and thereafter his appointed heir Archduke Franz Ferdinand killed and prompted him to write the above-mentioned declaration to the war that ultimately tore his country apart. Such is the sad and poignant life of Franz-Josef.On another note, we left our baggages with the really kind ticket lady at the entrance of the Kaiservilla park and her genuine smile of happiness when we offered her a humble keychain for her troubles was, simply, unforgettable.
    • Karrst 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A splendid hunting lodge set in Royal Park, with an alpine backdrop. As you enter the Villa you are simple taken aback by the hunting trophies on the walls. The guided tour is even more fascinating, giving you a feel for the furniture, art, sculptures, carving’s and yet again the Kaiser’s hunting trophies. Apparently during his life he accounted for over fifty five thousand animals of various types. The Villa depicts the classical division in society at that time in Europe. As well as the sense of Frans Joseph and Sissy’s love story, that ended so tragically.Standing next to the desk that the declaration of WWI was signed on almost 100 years later had a surreal feeling to it. Although the tour was conducted in German our young guide made a point of translating some of the more interesting facts for us in English, which complimented the notes we were handed. Having a small discussion with him before the tour started probably helped. Once you have completed your tour the grounds of the villa are worth taking a meander through. If you walk towards the pagoda on the hillside it will bring you back via Sissy’s Cottage. This today is both a Photographic Museum and memorial to her. Walk around and you will be able to read some of the poetry she wrote while here.This is well worth the entrance fee and if you are in Bad Ischl or even Salzburg this is well worth the trip.
    • PollyM_11 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This lovely hunting lodge in a vast and groomed park make a great visit for all ages and interests. There's art, stuffed animals, pictures, costumes and furniture galore and the gardens are beautifully landscaped. The history of the era is fascinating and here you see the social context well illustrated by the tour guides (self-guided leaflets in languages other than German). A good spot in a really pretty town.
    • 43dimitriss 图标 图标 图标 图标

      In a beautiful place the "real home" of Franch Josepf and Sissy.The real house of the last Austro-Hungarian monarchs. Recommented
    • 819JohnP 图标 图标 图标 图标

      On our travels around Europe have been visiting various places associated with the Hapsburgs and this is a great visit. An authentic tour of a Villa located in a beautiful spot which really brings the history alive. The park is great for a stroll and coffee and cake on the terrace is perfect.
    • TassieTravellers99 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Kaiser Villa is located in the centre of Bad Ischl and has a large free car park within easy walking distance. We found the Villa park was quite good value but the villa tour was another 9.50 euro each. We had just arrived before a two hour lunch closure and had to rush up the hill as the last tour was starting in five minutes. We were given English translation sheets as the guide conducted the tour in German only. At first we had hoped that the English translation sheets would keep up with the commentary but our guide soon veered off and we found that we missed a lot of the additional information. We understand some German but the guide spoke too quickly which made it difficult to translate. The tour covered various salons and bedrooms of Franz Josef and Sisi. There were numerous trophy kills on display. The final chamber contained Sisi's death mask and a model of her favourite dog. Nor were we allowed to take photos inside the Villa.The park like grounds are fairly plain. There was a fountain but it was not running. There is a grassy hill and some forest with a path winding through this but there is little else to the grounds.Overall it was a rather lacklustre tour and certainly unnecessary after doing several other Sisi related museums. For a better overall experience visit Schonbrunn in Vienna.
    • moetGC 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Very disappointed with this villa.Our guide Ms Thomas Cook spoke English at the beginning of the tour to tell us she Wouldn't speak our language during the tour....go figure?There were 16 in the group and half spoke English.Expensive when you can't understand the story of the Kaiser Villa.
    • 129amitm 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Nice guide tour in the villa, a bit expensive to my opinion, 13.5 EUR for person. Is you don't speak german you will be board (the guide speak german and you get a page in your language).The villa is very nice and the park also.
    • Escowbeck 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Interesting history Franz Josef must have nearly exterminated the entire population of Chamois whilst living there.
    • bugalugs86 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Kaiservilla is a must when visiting this town.The gardens are lovely but the villa and state rooms worth looking at.One word of note if you don't like seeing dead animals then avoid as there are thousands mounted on the walls.This was wear the declaration of the First World War was signed.
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