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parish of the assumption

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  • parish of the assumption
  • 景点印象
    • 尋找物美價廉的旅遊者 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

    • Jun369 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      One day trip ( or half) should be enough for this town. It is beautiful, but " that's it"However, if you love to enjoy the air, you should spend more time here
    • fl_vior828 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Is a place, that you see in the wallpapers, squares, and is real. Just been there to realize how beautiful it is. But the whole city does not need mor then 1 day to discover. Is quite small and everything goes around the tourism.
    • Hadrienne 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is the large church a lillle uphill, you see on your right as you approch Hallstatt from the boat which crosses the lake. This is not a small church,just follow the signs to get to the ossuary because the churh is next to it. As you climb up, the view gets nicer and nicer. There is a small cemetary adjascent to the chuch. The church has two alters and a large organ. It is beautiful and peaceful in a village that is so typical. Just imagine a Christmas service in such a place, heaven on earth!
    • GustavoP655 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This church is the one on the top, from the main square you have to go upstairs, thru the houses, where you get a taste of how the locals live and move thru the city!Also on the church garden is the graveyard, and the Ossuary (which has a fee to visit).
    • TravelMakesMeHumble 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The best view of the town is right from the church ground along the edge of the church. You walk up a few steps across the grave yard and first visit the church insides, then walk along its outsides perimeters.
    • DannyMac13 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is the Catholic Church on the hill. Both this, and the Lutheran Church by the lake are worth seeing, but this one is by far the more ornate. The centerpiece of the chapel is an elaborate gothic alter partnered with striking stained glass windows to lighten the room. Overlooking the chapel are wonderfully hand painted murals depicting biblical scenes with handcrafted wood panels everywhere.The chapel sits on a ledge that overlooks the lake, the Lutheran Church steeple, and the town square. Surrounding the church is a magnificent cemetery which can only be described as an arbor’s delight. Each gravesite display is more stylish than the next.With so little land available around Hallstatt, grave space is at a premium. The town reused these grave sites for centuries until the Catholic Church began allowing cremation of the dead in the 1990’s. While you are here, be sure to stop by the Ossuary; a very bizarre display of the bones. This is where the bones of the old dead had to be placed to make room in the gravesites for the more recently dead.
    • iwaida 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

    • GiovannaV394 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      La particolarità di questa chiesa sta nella presenza di uno dei tre trittici in stile tardo gotico di maggior valore a livello mondiale dell'Austria, in questo caso realizzato dall'artista Leonhard Astl. La chiesa situata nel centro storico allocata sulla collina è molto piccola, poco impegnativa e con l'entrata gratis. Se vi capita di visitare il paesino entrate a dare un occhiata.
    • Lenna_rus 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Красивая маленькая церковь, расположенная на горе, точнее почти впечатана в нее. Рядом старинное кладбище, но оно не пугает, а даже наоборот придает атмосферности этом необычному городу.С площадки около церкви красивый вид на озеро.
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