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koilani village

  • 景点介绍
  • koilani village
  • 景点印象
    • Sito_Journey 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Koilani (sometimes spelled Kilani) is a wonderful village with beautiful charm, long history and culture. It is located around 36 kms from Limassol in the wine producing area of the Troodos mountains. The village on weekdays is tranquil and peaceful while on the weekends during spring and summer it seems that it is lively, filled with visiting Cypriots and very few tourists who mostly find the village through word of mouth. During our stay in May the village was full of life as many Cypriots with roots from the village returned to celebrate Greek Orthodox Easter there. On Easter Sunday the community council had arranged a number of traditional games and cultural performances in which many of the visitors participated, it was definitely fun for us to watch. There are other periods of the year when the village becomes very lively. An important period and event for Koilani is the unique Afamia wine festival that usually takes place during the first weekend of October. This event, organized by the Koilani community, celebrates the wine producing heritage of the village and the end of the harvest period. Wine tasting, traditional deserts made from grapes, folk dancing and other cultural performances are the order of the weekend.One of the things that we love about the village is that the many centuries old original architecture has been maintained to a very large extend. While the character of some villages in Cyprus seems to have been altered by modern housing, Koilani has largely preserved its charm. In the village you can find many narrow cobblestone streets, houses build from limestone with colorful courtyard entrance doors. Some of the houses external walls are painted in light sky blue color, a unique tradition of this village. There is a small number of restaurants in the village serving traditional Cyprus village food. We tried and recommend Mezedes tis Maria's which is in the same area as the rest of the traditional coffee shops and restaurants of the village.Koilani and the surrounding villages in the mountains of Troodos are definitely worth a visit.
    • DemetraK323 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Highly recommend visiting this beautiful traditional village. Beautiful houses, friendly people who can't do enough to make you feel at home. Not far from Limassol and its beaches, ideal destination for cooler climate in the hot summer. Nice traditional restaurants and wineries, everything is there to keep you happy!
    • ThemistoklisC 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Koilani is one of the most traditional and yet lively villages! It is among the premiere wine-producing villages of Cyprus. They hold plenty of events throughout the year and they feature some good taverns as well. The inhabitants are very friendly and welcoming.
    • Gothias67 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Village sans trop de charme abritant le musée des ruines de Kourion mais aussi un musée du vin Chypriote, permet d'accéder aux plages de Kourion at aux ruines.
    • nadinkaa 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      маленькие кипрские деревни неповторимы в своем великолепии, наличие мандариновых и оливковых деревьев, очень много цветов и просто милые и отзывчивые люди
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