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festetics palace

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  • festetics palace
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    • 匿名 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The palace exterior and garden are quite nice, but the interior is nothing to write home about. A handful of furnished rooms, and a lot of boring sketches (I mean like actual rooms full of nothing but pencil drawn sketches of flowers and fruits). If you ask me don't bother with any of the paying crap, you will be disappointed.
    • 1ChrisF 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It cost us 2300 Hungarian Forints (HUF) (approx. 8 Euros) to get in each. That ticket gave us access to the palace and to the carriage museum. Firstly, the carriage museum is only included in the ticket price to the palace because nobody would ever visit it otherwise. Plus, it adds apparent value to the ticket price, which I believe was very high for what we got.Inside the palace, there are some lovely ornate rooms and staircases... sadly, you're not allowed to photograph any of it. If you want to take photos, you have to buy a 'photography pass' for 1500 HUF (approx. 5 Euros). What a total con and a flagrant attempt to milk tourists for more money. The café also charged 800 HUF or 3.70 EUR for an Irish coffee... 800 HUF is approximately 2.50 EUR!!! Another example of them trying to milk the cash cow tourist. They also charged 100 HUF to use the toilet! Was not impressed at all.Much of the palace is just looking at various portraits of members of the Festetics family. There are information boards in English, many of which keep alluding to the family abandoning the palace in 1944, but never explains why or what happened to them after 1944. If they met a grizzly end, I want to know all about it! Much more information about the palace and its occupants should have been provided for the entrance fee paid.The grounds are very pretty and worth a 5 minutes stroll around, but does not make the value of the entrance ticket acceptable.If you want to go to a good castle, go to the Szigliget fortress which is just 14km down the road from Keszthely. It cost just 600 HUF to get in and was far more informative and interesting. Plus, the view from the top out over the lake was worth the entrance fee alone.
    • GitteV0102 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We didnt see the palace inside, but the surroundings were beautiful. Lovely place with several museums.
    • FireDurban 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The time we spent having spa treatments was deducted from our time in the thermal lake - and although they said it would be it was not refunded so we did not do any other treatments.
    • CazCop 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It's quite confusing when you first arrive, it's not clear where to buy tickets or enter. Like so much of this area, the people are well used to German visitors but there is very little English spoken (fair enough).After stumbling through the ticket purchasing process in the gift shop (a family bulk entry to all Museums was the best value), we tried to enter the Palace only to realise that we were required to wait for the next guided tour which was in Hungarian. There are English information panels in most of the rooms and a member of our group very kindly translated a lot of what the guide was saying so that we could enjoy the extra tidbits of information. The Palace is very grand and the library is magnificent.Next we explored the coach/ carriage museum across the other side of the gardens, there was very little information available but the coaches were beautifully restored and displayed.A short walk away and across the road is another part of the complex housing the model train display and the hunting museum.With a seven year old boy in our midst we spent quite a bit of time admiring the amazing model train display. He simply loved it!Unfortunately can't say the same about the hunting museum. Whilst the collection is amazing, coming from a different culture where hunting native animals is mostly seen as abhorrent, our children were appalled at the collection of stalked and stuffed elephants, lions, bears, etc, and the youngest was in tears by the time we left! Although we tried to explain the historical context and how attitudes have changed over time etc, I also found myself quite disturbed by the gigantic elephant tusks and the truncated elephant feet dotted around the place.The plantarium is run down and disappointing and again quite confusing. Not much to see there.Overall the Palace is a little tired and the gardens were devoid of any flowers during our visit, but I think there might be some plans to rectify this. Worth a visit but don't expect too much.
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