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szechenyi ter

  • 景点介绍
  • szechenyi ter
  • 景点印象
    • ELear 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      In July 2014 a huge statue of a horse (Leonardo's 'Gran Cavallo' as it would have been) in one of the bottom corners made it hard to appreciate the aesthetic balance of the square, while the top end was all scaffolding, cement mixers, pipes, etc from work on the church. The ivory and gold baroque town hall was gorgeous, though. Don't miss the decorative panels between the windows on the top storey. There are trees along the side opposite the town hall, which are a blessing if it's too hot to sit in the middle, as it was then. No traffic, but there's a taxi-rank about fifty yards away, just beyond the church.
    • MarleenKruibeke 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Go there and take a walk from the Kossúth Tér parking lodge, cross the main streets leading to the magnificent Posta building with roof in Zsolnay porcelain, follow your route amongst roman remains and have a drink at Szechényi Tér, watch the old mosque, now the main church and walk on in this beautiful city....
    • HungaryHopper 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Standing up and you can see it all there. Café and shops are all nearby and Pecs is part of Hungarian History that one must see. Can be seen all in one day. The Mosque which is now a church were closed for works. So unable to go in.
    • AlexeyBrykin 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      красивые здания, фонтан, памятник. Главное здесь - бывшая османская мечеть, переделанная в христианскую церковь. к сожалению, была закрыта для осмотра, может, реставрация?
    • emilios459 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Seconde me una delle più belle piazze d'Ungheria degno centro di una splendida città. All'epoca della visita campeggiava un modello del cavallo di Leonardo da Vinci in occasione di una mostra molto interessante.
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