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kunstmuseum liechtenstein

  • 景点介绍
  • kunstmuseum liechtenstein
    Founded in 2000, the Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein is a leading exhibition...
  • 景点印象
    • posemuckl 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Liechtenstein Kunstmuseum (Liechtenstein Museum of Fine Arts) has regularly changing exhibits, mostly displaying modern art and modern art installations. There is also a permanent exhibit of the Prince's own collection, but it is only a very modest part of his large collection. Don't expect to see cultural or traditional items in this museum. You will have to go across the street to the Landesmuseum. The Kunstmuseum is to display art and not reflect the traditional history of this small country.The Kunstmuseum in itself is very interesting from an architectural point of view. It is a “black box” of tinted concrete and black basalt stone.
    • Kwansaii 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I thoroughly enjoyed the exhibit concerning architecture and envirnonmental furniture. I toured the Kunstmuseum for approximately one hour. I'm glad I visited Kunstmuseum, but I was much more impressed by the Landesmuseum of Vaduz where I spent around two hours.
    • leffex 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The museum was a disappointment. The Prince of Liechtenstein has a large collection of old art, but this collection is situated in Vienna. In this museum they have only some modern art pieces and they had only 2 rooms open.
    • RumRunner65 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The building is fantastic and service friendly and professional, but that's about it! We are not modern art lovers but can appreciate good art. The modern "art" exhibits on display were ridiculous and laughable. Even if you are a modern lover, there is no way that you would find this of value of any kind... a complete waste of time!
    • dragonmaster79 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A very well appointed gallery, with ever changing exhibits, all labelled in english and german.
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