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latrabjarg bird cliffs

  • 景点介绍
  • latrabjarg bird cliffs
  • 景点印象
    • pamt283 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The bird cliffs afford both enthusiasts and those interested in birds (puffins in particular) the closest view you are likely to get. Arriving either early in the morning or in the evening will ensure that you see them very close up either before they take off for the day's fishing or as they settle down to roost for the night.
    • oneh 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We liked the thousands of birds, we disliked the people who felt the need to take virtually stick their enormous camera lenses up birds beaks. Why do you buy the lenses? Give wildlife some respect and space.
    • JimM237 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      About an hours drive out of town, extensively on dirt roads, this is one of the most spectacular and enjoyable places to visit in Iceland. One can get close to a wide variety of birds, but be careful of the cliffs. Puffins galore and a photographers paradise.
    • fredsjamom 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Loved the closeness to the puffins but to get to the cliffs it is about and hour and a half on dirt roads climbing up and down mountains with hairpin curves. Would I do it again YES!!! Loved the experience.
    • heron48 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Access to this area is via Road #612. This is a gravel road that is/was totally covered with potholes when we were there 17 July 2014. We had a small Ford Focus wagon, which was classed as "C" class by the Thrifty rental agency. Perhaps in less rugged conditions (if they do in fact fill/grade the potholes), this would be an acceptable vehicle. However, under the conditions we experienced, I'd caution folks to be prepared to drive exceptionally slow (we were doing about 12 mph much of the way and still had to replace a tire due to impact with a pothole),or upgrade to a larger vehicle. 4X4 is not necessary, but maybe something a bit more robust than our Ford Focus.Once you get passed the accessiblity issue, the view and experience is great! I'd give 5 stars, if we hadn't had the tire problem!! Perhaps the difficult drive helps keep the crowds down and less impact on the cliffs.The puffins are very calm and readily approachable; however, caution is recommended about getting too close to the edge as the cliffs can fracture and it is a very long, rocky trip down!! Having said that, it's hard not to "creep out there" to get that selfie with a puffin!!! Other seabirds abound the area as well, including razorbills, guillemots, gulls, etc.Well worth the experience if you are in that part of Iceland.
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