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the geothermal energy exhibition

  • 景点介绍
  • the geothermal energy exhibition
    The Geothermal Energy Exhibition at the Hellisheiði Power PlantThe way...
  • 景点印象
    • PhilB505 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We visited here as part of a tour and thought it was a fascinating place. The guides were very knowledgeable and were only too happy to answer our questions.
    • RJCundiff 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This to me was one of the most interesting tours in Reykjavik as I am a retired Chemical/ Environmental Engineer. This plant supplies heat and electrical power to 99.9% of the buildings in Reykjavik.
    • Petroni 图标 图标 图标 图标

      An attraction not to be missed and full of big boys toys. This geothermal plant is one of 5 in Iceland providing in excess of 80% of the nations heating and hot water needs. The guides were extremely knowledgeable and gave a brilliant overview of the plants application.This plant generates over 300 Mega Watts of power and you get to see the generators and associated equipment in the pristine turbine facility. The tour started with a short introduction and then a movie which talks about sustainable energy an education in itself. There are lots of static displays and even an earthquake simulator. If you visit this region this plant is a must and as a bonus you will drive through some amazing countryside to reach it and not so far away a scene from ' the Secret Life of Walter Mitty ' was filmed.
    • AndreluzG 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The geothermal system they showed in the exhibit was really unique and interesting! We admired the facility and the benefit the Icelanders get from the system designed! A true example for the rest of the world. The technology was amazing!
    • NaturePlace 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Really great tour just the other week. Great displays, staff answered questions and were very friendly. A wonderful example of sustainability for others on planet Earth. My wife even liked the tour.
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