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lake myvatn

  • 景点介绍
  • lake myvatn
  • 景点印象
    • 匿名 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      我们找到一个属于自己的角落,慢慢享受这米湖的温情与柔美。旁边一道木墙之隔,将泡池分成两部分。我游去一探究竟,原来木墙那边的水温要相对低很多。老外 可以在冷热交替的刺激中泡汤,我也可以。我不顾形象翻过木墙,瞬间浸入凉水。那感觉好刺激啊,短暂的刺激后就慢慢适应这温度了。游一圈再翻回热水中,温暖 舒展。这来回几次一定会把人泡疲了。夜色降临,灯光亮起,池水中的人更少了。我和老公靠在水中的木头围椅上静静地欣赏着夜色,好温暖要把人泡酥了一般。
    • 匿名 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      米湖Mývatn:www.northiceland.is/whattoseedo/viewattraction/myvatn-area、 www.myvatn.is/english/(由于当天天气很糟糕,没有按计划进行环湖,第二天早上天气依旧不给力,路过了一些景点,只去看了看假火山口。收集的前辈贴资料供参考。)米湖的冰岛文原意是蚊湖,夏天这里有大量的蚊子。保存有完整的火山地理景观,包括地热、间歇性喷泉、火山口等。开车绕湖一周以加油站为起点,向左向右都可以,1-2小时绰绰有余。可先去info拿地图,然后绕湖。以左环湖的顺序: 附:8月27日环米湖地图米湖湖面上好像飘浮着一层硫磺天气好的时候湖面很漂亮(网络图片)
    • fionac187 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Loved this place which has lots of areas to explore. Don't miss walking in the Dimmuborgir or " Dark Castles" where maybe trolls could live.The Sigurgeir Bird Museum is also a must see ( check opening times in the winter). There is a lovely little cafe here too and the possibility of seeing Gyr Falcons perching.I would love to return to this place in the summer when it teems with bird life. Apparently there are also a lot of midges then too but this is what supports the entire ecosystem so they have to be tolerated.
    • ALH57 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We stayed at Hotel Del and did a few walks along the shore of the lake. We didn't see any birds but it was great to see the lovely, friendly Icelandic horses by the shore and also on the frozen lake taking their riders for a trek.
    • jimbX832HO 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      FYI If you travel to the lake during the winter some of the attractions and restaurants are not open. However the people who service the establishments are more engagable than the summer months.
    • julesndavid 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      lovely lake was all snowy and frozen when we visited was like a picture from a fairy story, was able to drive all the way round :)
    • srefsdfsdfsdf 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Took a short walk (30 mins) around the lake.Although it was the middle of winter and the lake was covered in snow it was still a beautiful place to visit!The views are breath taking.
    • Snooopeee 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Thi9s lake is unik and it is one of Icelands gems. its unik landscape just takes your breath away and after driving around it you should go take alook at Dimmuborgir lava formations.
    • KennethP227 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Lake Myvatn is an extraordinary area of stunningly beautiful landscape. It's the essence of Iceland - you really feel as if you've landed on another planet of weird gorgeous beauty. Amazing rock formations, craters, bubbling mud pits. You can stay in Akureyri one hour away (Akureyri is a 45 min. flight from Reykjavik) or closer in Reykjalith. It takes a day to drive around the lake and see the sights. (We went in October so we missed the famous midges). Very highly recommended.
    • Natdaless03 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Lake Myvatn has a vast vast array of geologic beauty! It's extemely difficult to explain and really must be seen with the eyes, ears and other senses. The pseudo craters, animals, rock formations, water, mountains, steam, etc is beyond description! This lake is approx 1 hour drive from Akureyri. There are a few small restaurants, convenience stores and places to stay around this lake. If you walk around the pathway through the pseudocraters, take bug spray and maybe one of those hats with a net on it. The little gnats were super annoying, but the sheep that share the land with the pathways were super cute!
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