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  • 景点介绍
  • 杜布洛尼克古城墙
  • 景点印象
    • 450DonB 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Wonderful views from the wall. Interesting to see the chart of the damage done to roofs from shelling during their conflict. The guard towers make for amusing pictures. We were there in the summer: SUNNY & HOT. Love the little fish available at most restaurants in the city.
    • wendym542 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Some steep steps but otherwise easy to negotiate. We were there in March and it was very quiet apart from the odd school group of loud teenagers to spoil the peaceful walk. I would think mid summer it could be a bit of a nightmare. Beautiful views out to sea and over the rooftops of the city. Allow 2 to 2 and half hours of walking, there are very few places to get food / drink apart from going down and into the town so take water with you. Some rebuilding / renovation going on in some places, health and safety approached slightly differently in Croatia so I got great pics of men on dodgy scaffolding with no harnesses tens of feet up over the water!
    • richiew2013 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Was a nice time to walk the walls as not busy, beautiful views from all around the walls. Try to pick a dry Day and if hot take a hat
    • Bri1966 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Well worth the entry fee for a couple of hours spent strolling along the old city walls taking photos of stunning views. Wear comfortable shoes as the path can be uneven and there are steps.
    • HauntJauntsGrl 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We just bought tickets to walk the wall not do any sort of tour with a guide group from our cruise. All I knew was King's landing scenes for Game of Thrones had been filmed in Dubrovnik and the ancient city walls so...I was in heaven being "on set" so to speak. (No actors or crew were present. But the "set" was all around!)Wear good shoes, go as early in the day as possible, and bring water. It's a bit of a workout but the views? Anyone who used "breathtaking" or "stunning" or "amazing" or anything else like that in their title has said it all!Oh and the day we went we did see a little vendor set up on the side of the walls nearest the harbor selling drinks and light snacks. It was right near the bathroom. So if you do forget drinks there is a place to buy some...as long as that little vendor is open.
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