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yaroslavl architectural historical and art museum preserve

  • 景点介绍
  • yaroslavl architectural historical and art museum preserve
  • 景点印象
    • HubbleBubbleTrouble 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We went on a day when there was no distractions from the sad fact that incarcerated in a lonely mad life on the premises is a poor bear. There's no escaping the fact, as there are pictures of him , looking quite distressed proudly displayed outside his solitary confinement cell within the walls of this otherwise beautiful place.Pay extra if you want to see his suffering at first hand. We wouldn't although it's ironic that the emblem of such a powerful nation is reduced to this.
    • emarieb_13 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We were fortunate - it was the festival of bell ringing on the day we were there. We watched it in action in the tower, I will never forger the performance. Our guide explained all the different buildings. There are several museums with the kremlin walls. Each has a small admission fee. Be sure to climb the watch tower for a view over the Volga river and the city.
    • Dona_Natasha 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It is called Spaso preobrazenskiy monastery or Yaroslavl kremlin. You need buy ticket for entering only or for various packages - for example, entering museums, climbing bell tower, etc. There are museums inside - doors are so thick and heavy, go and see book museum. You can see Yaroslavl city, riverside beach, bear decorations on tips of roofs, and feel fresh winds on the bell tower. There is small cafe inside you can buy cool water or drink or eat something. There are many brave and friendly sparrows, they come to the dishes and try to eat. Look carefully at the back of chairs before sitting, your back can be wet with white color liquid and some black crumbs. In Moscow 20 lubles for public toilet, in Yaroslavl 10. One woman gives receipt, it's written on it - Civilization started with drainage.
    • AnnaK173 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I visited the museum of Yaroslavl history and was very impressed. The collection is rich and excellent. Worth seeing. You can really feel the history of the place.
    • PhilViking 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      There are several museums with the kremlin walls. Each has a small admission fee and well worthwhile. Buy the tickets (with cash ONLY) at the window just inside the large gate. The natural history museum is well done, with details about the area. The kids really enjoyed it too. The insect collection is large and well displayed. The treasuries exhibit contains Church vestments, icons, and other items rescued from the post 1917 closing of the churches. These are rare items. The new exhibit contains Viking materials, showing the links to the Rurik Viking clan and early organization of what became Russia. It contains copies of 13th century documents on display, as well are original artifacts. All are must - sees!
    • JannetL 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Actually the Golden Ring of Russia consists of several towns in the central part near by Moscow (100 - 250 km from Moscow). Those are the former capitals of Russian principalities from XI throughout XVII centuries. Higly recommended attraction for historical place and original architecture lovers. Unfortunately I've been just to Sergiev Posad, Yaroslavl, Rostov (there are some more - Suzdal, Vladimir, Kostroma) - but it was quit enough to feel the atmosphere of ancient Russia of XVI. Medieval monasteries, kremlins (analogue of European castles), beautiful churches are abundant over the route. There are many travel agencies and various formats to make a trip over those towns: You can travel alone, with private guide - which is pretty expensive, or take a big bus with a large group - which might be ennoying probably (but relatively not expensive) I found a small company with minibus (with funny name: Nanotrip) so I shared my trip with 4 pax, which was pretty convenient. We had very flexible itinerary and finally visited above mentioned three towns. The guide took care of all of us, and I think that we could spent more travelling alone, than we finally spent (even with his service charge) - because he recommended budget places with noce servise indeed! (e.g. cafes, hotels, etc). After all , I could recommend them for those who don't like large touristic groups. I found them on Google search
    • 194yuryz 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Был здесь дважды - место интересное с точки зрения и архитектуры, и истории. Летом можно подняться на колокольню. Очень плохо устроена организация - вход вроде платный, но если сам не поинтересуешься, можно и так заходить - в кассе рядом со входом сидят злобные тётки, которым вы явно чем-то не понравитесь. Гостепримности нигде не видно, даже торговцы сувениров ведут себя так, будто ты им чем-то испортил жизнь. Выставки скучноваты, ну просто не интересно мне смотреть иконы или стекляшки бус в витринах - видел множество примеров, как исторические музеи и выставки делали просто захватывающими. Это не то место.
    • Alenkin 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Всегда интересна история, но и только . Состояние зданий плачевное. Посетили музей сказки, ярморку и музей природы. Музей сказки совсем детский, можно все потрогать, но экспозиция минимальная и немножко наивная. Ярмарка поинтересней. Можно примерить костюмы гусара или дам прошлых веков. Музей природы на любителя. Экспозиция огромная, красивая, мумия наверно всех животных. У нас ребенок плакал от понимания, что они все погибли (жаже малыши) и находятся здесь. Настроение испорчено.
    • radal2014 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Были на масленицу, поэтому музеи не были целью. На входе, при покупке билета дают карту. Это очень удобно при отсутствии экскурсии. Так как был праздник, было очень много интерактивных программ для детей и взрослых. Но и конечно же сжигание чучела под колокольный перезвон.
    • alexnek 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Много что написано про монастырь, но мне больше всего понравился музей "канализация". Это так интересно назван туалет при музее. Но его стоит посетить. Очень интересно. Фотографии на стенах об интересных моментах задумчивых человеческих мест. И интересный алфавит. Сами посмотрите - интересно.
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