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strelka fountains

  • 景点介绍
  • strelka fountains
  • 景点印象
    • Ewalina 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This park is located on a spit between the Volga River at its confluence with Kotorosl River. We viewed this park from an elevated observation point near the newly built Church of the Assumption. Although there is a stairway down to the park, we did not walk through the park. There are flower beds, benches and fountains which lead to a monument at the end. The monument was erected in 2010 on the millennium of the founding of Yaroslavl by Prince Yaroslav the Wise. Legend has it that Yaroslav slayed a large bear with a halberd at this site. The city coat of arms and its flag depicts the bear with halberd.The first large flower bed displays the city Coat of Arms and several benches have a bear motif on them. The fountains were not running when we visited, but I understand at night they are lit up and music is played.
    • Dona_Natasha 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It's a wide park which located in junction of the two river Bolga and Kotorosl. From Uspenskiy sobor, you can approach to this observation point and park area. Vladimir city has more than 1000 years history. You can see big cargo ships and passenger ships on Volga river. Bear is the symbol of this city.
    • Tosca1962 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Save yourself the walk round the formal garden and view the entire thing from an elevated position (i.e. the grounds to the rear of the Assumption Cathedral). At least from here you can see the Russian bear design in the flower border and the fountain itself. Nothing much else to see really.
    • Norielle 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Make sure to venture here by nightfall when the fountains squirt to the tones of music being played, accompanied by coloured lights. It's really nice to just sit down, watch and listen for a while.
    • JohnH881 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      They had emptied the fountains by the time I got there on October 6, but the park surrounding them was outstanding. It is at the junction of the River Kotorosi and the Volga. It has a new, but very impressive monument and a strikingly nice position.
    • AndrewW2 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I was surprised to see Strelka Fountains listed as an attraction and to even have reviews. This is a pretty basic fountain in a paved and gentrified area near the embankment. I’ve seen better fountains in shopping malls. It is surrounded by pathways and some shrubs and flowers. No big deal. You’ll come to it naturally and pass it just as easily. Don’t plan this fountain in your fun packed day in Yaroslavl, it’ll just come – not much else to do.
    • kiwibuddy1 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Great park, gardens, fountains ... and local history! The Strelka is founded on the site where Prince Yaroslavl the Wise allegedly vaniquished a sacred bear in 1010; the prince was exploring the area with the intention of forming a settlement; the unhappy locals set the bear on him to discourage him! It didn't work .... the prince ... err., 'disposed' of the bear, and decided to form a settlement on the site to commemorate the event. Yaroslavl underwent major renovations prior to its 1000 year celebrations in 2010. A beautiful spot.
    • _Q1491VO 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Очень красивые фонтаны, прогуляться вечером одно удовольствие) пройтись по набережной дойти до стрелки) замечательно)
    • scorp-m 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Фонтаны с цветомузыкой очаровывают и заряжают позитивомВ этом месте слияния Косторосли с великой Российской водной артерией - Волгой вообще необыкновенная энергетика, а фонтаны вносят законченность в этот пейзаж и его восприятие.Очень красивоединственный минус - летом очень много народу: бегающие детки, роллеры и велосипедисты....
    • _A7435LT 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Если погода хорошая и есть время - можно продлить традиционную прогулку по Волжской набережной спуском к Волге и променадом вокруг фонтанов. Есть где приятно и лирично посидеть. Фонтаны - это вообще ярославская особенность. В последние годы их много построено в городе.Гуляя по этому мысу и острову рядом, что с каруселями, помните, что это далеко не историческое место, а искусственное намывное, созданное к 950-летию Ярославля, к 1960г. До этого Которосль текла под высоким берегом, где сейчас снова храм, а на другом берегу, перед селом Коровники со знаменитыми церковью и тюрьмой, были луга.
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