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assumption cathedral

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  • assumption cathedral
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    • julieadmin 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A great spot for tourists women must cover their heads. And must cover the top half of their legs with their coat
    • Madmaxwell2015 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The peace and quiet and art. It is a classified museum and hence managed by the State. Avoid Sunday mornings
    • emarieb_13 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Dating back to 1165, this is a truly unusual church. I am glad we had an informed guide she explained the history and all the special things to see.
    • Dona_Natasha 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Very beautiful cathedral. Real Lublev paintings are remained on the ceiling. Coffins of Nevski and Vogalyupski are inside. Behind the cathedral, there is a big park with Bladimir and saint Fedor statue. In front, there is the Lublev statue showing sketch something. And on opposite side there is the Lenin statue. People say Lublev is drawing Lenin. During daytime you should pay to enter. But early morning time before 8 for mass you need not pay. Old grandmas are sitting near entrance, give them at a glance and make your pocket some little bit lighter.
    • Eaa1947 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Assumption Cathedral has five golden domes was dedicated to the holy icon Theotokos of Vladimir after which the city takes its name. Vladimir is considered the father of Russian orthodoxy. The exterior walls of the church are covered with elaborate carvings. The cathedral was built in 12th century and painted by Rublev and Chyorny in 15th century. A lofty bell-tower was added added later. It is part of the World Heritage Site entitled White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal. The inside frescoes and icons are a mixture of the old and the restored and are most impressive although some of the colours have faded in parts. Not to be missed town and its churches.
    • 123alidas 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Our Russian hosts insisted on taking us here, letting us know that a number of works by Rublev are still visible on the walls of the church. Andrei Rublev's iconic art is considered by some to be the ideal of Church painting and Orthodox iconography, showing peaceful and calm characters. We were not sorry, the place was absolutely beautiful, the iconostasis is amazing, in addition to all the art decorating the walls. The church feels very "alive", other than many of the museum churches in Moscow which feel like museums, not churches. It was nice to have our hosts explain to us what we were looking at, this might be a good place to come with a guide if you like to know what is what! As mentioned before, the cathedral is placed beautifully, with a view to the valley below. Do not miss!
    • 751annam751 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      One of Vladimir most impressing attractions. Great paintings, icons and ancient holy vessels to see, church service. Russian orthodox.
    • suttonase 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The cathedral is a must in Vladimir . Not only is its age significant but the iconostasis is massive and impressive. The iconostasis is different from others we have viewed in Russia . Make sure you go during visiting hours. They are only open to tourists from 1-4pm (or something like that.)
    • Systemfel 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This church is simply mesmerising. There are pieces of religious art almost 900 years old and still in good condition. The atmosphere in it is just the most breath-taking I've ever experienced inside of a church. There is also a good choice of crosses to buy. The placement of it is truly beautiful too – it stands somewhat above the rest of the centre, but way above what is south of the city. The surroundings are beautiful too. A must visit!
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