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museum of wooden architecture & peasant life

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  • museum of wooden architecture & peasant life
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    • Tsturgess 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Lovely old wooden churches and houses showing how people lived way back,very interesting place, not too big
    • RussellB83 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      If only the workers dressed in ancient Russian clothing would let you take their picture, it would be perfect. The church, homes, and workshop replicas are well done and the interiors showing rural Russian life are engaging. Not to be missed.
    • mauriceh793 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The peasant houses in particular are fascinating and the wooden churches are amazing.. There are good views from the site particularly with the sails of the windmill in the foreground.
    • AnnaB939 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A collection of traditional wooden buildings from the area around Suzdal set up to create the impression of an old village. Furnished houses of peasants in different economic conditions, churches and windmills. Well presented and interesting to visit.
    • emarieb_13 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Spend 40 minutes here and you will get a feel for life, not so long ago. It depicts that every-day life in a practical and realistic manner.
    • William211 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The museum presents the lives of ordinary Russian in the past.A nice break from palaces and grand churches visits.Wooden structures for churches, farm houses etc were moved and presented here. We had our English speaking tour guide so it helped a lot in understanding the exhibits.There's a lady singing traditional lullabies and you can buy their CD for a few hundred roubles.Our kids enjoyed the wooden swings and running around in the open field too.
    • RheaJeena 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      An excellent step back to view living as it was hundreds of years ago. We even were treated to a couple playing the old instruments and singing a folk song.
    • ValeriaZonova 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Unlike other museums in Suzdal this place opens at 9am! But watch for crowds of tourists: they come early too.. I wonder if the best time would be late in the afternoon...Also there is lack of information in English...
    • Dona_Natasha 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      You need pay entrance fee because it's a museum. Almost of Russian churches, temples, cathedrals, monasteries - no entrance fee. You need park your car roadside anywhere because no parking lot.Two big old wooden churches and farmer's houses and windmills were moved from near Suzdal area to this museum. You can enter and see inside of churches and houses. Churches are really beautiful, in other hand - look like a Lego assemblies. There are two lumber houses - peasant house and more richer peasant house. In each house, a grandma is sitting and explaining about old age Russian lives. You can see there big pechika (fireplace) as a bed, married son's honeymoon room, engraved stripes to memory sons and daughters birth, snow sledges, big scythes, samovars (tea boiler), wooden water buckets, and big lumbers stacked for walls. Good place you can feel Russian old age life a little bit.
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