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the convent of the intercession (pokrovsky monastery)

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  • the convent of the intercession (pokrovsky monastery)
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    • alexeyk457 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A beautiful old monastery with nice places for walks. There are a few antiques shops around with reasonable prices too.
    • Dona_Natasha 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This monastery was built on mid of 14th century. It's the nuns monastery which has so sad history. In old ages in Russia, man could do decide almost of everythings. Man could decide to make his wife or his daughter a nun even without any resonable reasons. If a father decided his daughter to be a nun, from that time the daughter should prepare to be a nun with cutting her hair as cross shape. She should live inside of monastery whole her rest life. It was really cruel and miserable. The first wife of Peter the Great was sent here, too, after he wanted to marry a German woman Ekaterina. Generally daughters or wives were sent here from noble families, so this monastery was so rich because they carried much jewels or something when they came. Now you can see white cathedral building and wooden houses for nuns living. Calm atmosphere.
    • LiaS285 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      well maintained, very neat and looks beautiful, but mostly for those who are religious or keen on Christian history
    • Tuko_Pomoja 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Again, fairly modest, though Suzdal was once a good deal larger and more important than today. xxxxx
    • 726hl 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      There's not much to say about this beautiful working convent except how beautiful it is, and how struck you are by the fact that people live here.
    • Eaa1947 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Convent is the Cathedral of the Intercession was built in early 16th century. It is made of old white-stone architecture of Suzdal. There are several icons and the other works of art inside the convent. There is a gallery with a tent-roofed belfry. The convent grounds are surrounded by the Kamenka river that bends in Suzdal.
    • BaileyC_21 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Worth wandering around. The gardens are lovely. Make sure you are there in time for the bell ringer (I think it is 11am but double check).
    • Tordomeo 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Pokrovsky Monastyr (Intercession Monastery) dates back to 1363 and is one of the many monasteries of Suzdal.It is located beyond the river Kamenka, and can be reached by taxi or on foot, walking from Krupskoy Ulica, a road crossing the main street Ulica Lenina on the rigght, towards north. After crossing the river, after a hundred meters, turn right and you will see the walls of the monastery after about two hundred meters on the right. (Ask always the Pokrovsky Monastyr). Admission is free, but some days it is closed, ask.Surrounded by walls, the entrance is through the Holy Door, located under the Church of the Annunciation. Before entering you can see to the right, beyond a narrow road, the churches of St. Peter and St. Paul, 1694 and the smallest church of St. Nicholas, 1712.The interior of the monastery is very nice and quiet, well-kept flower beds, and nuns who walk in the paths. You can breath an air of serenity and quiet. There are beautiful wooden houses where you can stay, but we did not understand how to book.There is also a restaurant, but it closes at 6 pm, as the whole monastery. All activities in monasteries begin very early in the morninge and finish very early in the afternoon.If you're lucky, visit the monastery with the sun and the beauty is dazzling, otherwise rain and gray skies change it in a sad place.The Potrovsky Sobor, the Cathedral of the Intercession, is the largest building in the center of the monastery. You can find almost immediately on the right. Built in 1510 it is very nice outside, and its architecture is dazzling white, the green of the flower beds. It is connected by a gallery open to the bell tower.Entrance is possible, of course keeping silent during the celebrations and women must have their heads covered by a veil. Upon entering, there were some nuns singing holy hymns with an angelic voice. Praying in this place gives a sense of inner peace.
    • edunaway 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I walked to the convent on a little footpath around the back of the kremlin- a nice little jaunt over a little stream and through wildflowers.Some of the convent was roped off, restricting visitors from entering, but you can walk around some of the grounds and into the main church. Not a whole lot of excitement when I was there, but it was lovely and peaceful- the nuns must enjoy gardening because all of the flower beds were brimming with gorgeous blooms!
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