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cable car niznhy novgorod

  • 景点介绍
  • cable car niznhy novgorod
    The ropeway between the cities Nizhny Novgorod and BorIn February, 2012...
  • 景点印象
    • frostedpalace 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Always wanted to try to go on one in UK, but happenned to be in Nizhniy !!! A short cut used by people to go from Nizhniy Novgorod to Bor. 15 minutes one way and you are in a different town instead of over an hour on the busy traffic road. The viw is incredible, just like in a helicopter, cheap too...great experience.
    • JamesH226 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Well I read the reviews and I walked and walked along the embankment and around the building site to get there.In all honesty it is ok but no better than that. Maybe if you have not been on a cable car it would add to the excitement but in my opinion it is not the best thing in this very pretty city.The windows are scratched and this spoils the view a wee bit.There is a silver Lenin at the other side.
    • Nick492 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It is a transport connection between Nizhnu Novgorod and Bor. So, there are not only tourists, who use thi cable car. A lot of citizens use it also. So, You can face with a huge crowds before your journey. The fare is about $2.5-3. But it is a "must do" in Nizhny. A magnificient view of a great russian river... I'll advice you to take a cable car to Bor, but get back to Nizhny by a ferry - You can take a hovercraft back. Also, hovercrafts have a bus service: You take a minibus in the centre of Bor. It will drive You to a hovercraft, cross a river on a hovercraft and take a minibus to Kremlin in Nizhny. This busses are free of charge for hovercraft's passengers.
    • VolkerRussia 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Worth it, very cheap to go as used for public transport by the people. Especially in sunset hours and amazing view over the Wolga River and Nizhny Novgorod. One of THE things to do in Nizhny Novgorod during the visit.
    • Amr_Mehrem 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The cable car of Nizhny is a way of transportation to cross Volga river and it saves time instead of getting bridge in the rush hours, but don't be surprised as you will be in a long queue to get into it, on the other side it could be considered as an attraction to enjoy for tourists, I've enjoyed it twice, the view from this height is incredible where you can have a full view of the river and Nizhny city, the round trip my take about 40 minutes, it worth the time and money.
    • KudamaK 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I liked it....although not many things to see but I liked to be over the Volga specialy when I was alone in the cabinet .... go there between 11 AM to 3 PM....It wont be crowded....told you I was alone
    • PapaSer 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Cable way is in my native city, sometimes we ride it with our children or friends. Although, most passengers ride it not for sight-seeing but for reaching town Bor on the other side of Volga river :)Now you don't have to wait a long time, cabins depart from station every several minutes. "Trip" takes near 20 min to one side. It's like slow plane flight before landing, but without the motor noice... You have beautiful views (great river and other - hills, monastery and embankment at one side, fields and small lakes at the other side). At Bor side there are some caffees near station.Fee is near $2 for one direction.
    • AndyB85 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Well worth the trip on the relatively new cable car across the Volga. Great views across and down the river. However, not much to see or do at the other side of the river in a place called Bor. Look out for the stunning monastery on the Nizhniy side of the river on the way back
    • MatthijsR 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      On a sunny day, we had to wait for 1,5 hours to get in the 15 minute cable ride. The view from the cable cars are good fun, crossing the river and giving a nice perspective on the city itself.
    • pan40 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Great if you need to travel, much quicker than car. We tried it just for a ride, but I can see if you need to get across the river it is so quick
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