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pochayiv lavra

  • 景点介绍
  • pochayiv lavra
  • 景点印象
    • Mackoo13 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It's really unique. The main temple is richly decorated and very impressive. There are also a couple of smaller churches and chapels to see in the complex.But for me the religious life going on was the most interesting. Hundreds of people, concentrated on nothing but prayer, singing all at once in a huge temple. This is a thing to remember for ever after.
    • Chrism732 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is my second visit. I just wanted to add, that from kiev, near the metro station vokzalna, and the central train station kyiv pass, you pass the mcdonalds at your left, and if you walk for 200 meters or less, down the road, you find a bus station. Here every day there are many buses that go to pochaev monastery. The passengers are people living, in kremenets, rivne, pochaiv...I took the bus at 15.00 and I arrived in the monastery at 22.00. It costs 120grivna thats 12euro. At the monastery, everything was ok, I got a bed to sleep, and I ate in the restaurant. How beautiful is this place I wrote before
    • Chrism732 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I visited Pochaev lavra in 24 july 2012. it is an unforgetable experience. The place there is blessed. You can venerate the place where Mother of God stood at her apparition, the holy icons and drink from the holy water coming from the rock where she appeared. i went there through ternopil with train 143 21.00pm from kiev. the problem was that there were only deluxe tickets on train. after on train station on 6am we took a yellow bus #20 from the street opposite the train station for the central bus station of Ternopil and on 7am the mini bus from there to POCHAEV. It took 1h 50m to arrive. after that you walk for 7 or 10 minutes and you arrive. i return to kiev through ternopil again with a bus ticket i bought when i was going to pochaev. the bus was completly full and for the train were no tickets. I didnt try to go to pochaev through Kremenets or Radiviliv. Next time
    • valeriy350 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      this place worth to visit all people.i can recommend to visit for all travellers
    • kharaku 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The primary attraction in the city of Pochaev (alternatively spelled Pochayiv or Pochaiv) is Svyato Uspensky Pochaev Lavra, one of 3 Lavras (Extremely Prominent Monastaries) in Ukraine. Largely considered the second most important religious center in Ukraine it is at least 500 years old and has been at the center of the back and forth between the Greek Catholic and Russian Orthodox Churches. The monastery is very family friendly. Once a day there is a free meal for pilgrims, and the hotel on site is 25 hryvna (about 3 dollars) a night. If that is too much there is also free lodging (floor space) beneath the Cave Church of St Job. (A blanket is also free but you might want to bring your own). Space in the hotel is dormitory style (very much like a hostel) with separate dorms for men and women. There is a cafeteria on site and the doors close promptly at 10 pm to the hotel.
    • mazanik11 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      все понравилось!!!! номера, трапезная, а самое главное храмы!!!! Батюшки очень добрые и отзывчивые, отец Стефан просто душка!
    • O7788AW_ 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Отдыхая в Трускавце, купили тур в Почаевскую Лавру. Это святое место, в котором размещены святыни, такие как след Богородицы. В Лавре всегда много народу, к святыням очереди, но это место располагает к думам о Боге и о душе. На территории Лавры есть семинария, при которой тоже проходят богослужения.
    • _B2531OE 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Понравилось всё. Каждый, кто думает о своей душе - должен побывать там. А кто ещ не думает - побывайте - и, возможно, начнёте думать...как мы.
    • richiemr62 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Un endroit impressionnant qui reflète une grande spiritualité . Des édifices qui s' imbriquent les uns aux autres avec bien sûr les coupoles dorées de toute part . des fidèles que l' on voit partout ainsi que des moines et des religieuses tout de noir vêtues . Un endroit qui incarne l' âme slave
    • 777giancarloborluzzi 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Molto più bello questo monastero dei due, confinanti tra loro, a Kiev. Pochayiv è una località isolata nell'ovest ucraino, non mi pare ci sia più di un albergo e di un ristorante interno all'albergo stesso. Questo aumenta il fascino di una località con pellegrini da ogni parte dell'est Europa. Girando con l'auto attorno al monastero, specialmente nel secondo pomeriggio, le cupole dorate scintillano in maniera indimenticabile. Si sale al monastero a piedi per strade e scalinate con attorno un mondo di persone che vivono grazie ai pellegrini. All'interno, chiese di ogni tipo con interni da favola. Una parte del monastero è sotto restauro: una volta completato, Pochayiv sarà uno dei top religiosi del mondo. All'interno, continue processioni e sacerdoti di varie correnti religiose, sovente disponibili per le fotocamere curiose (non è vero che ci sono restrizioni come talora si legge). I colori delle facciate e delle cupole si intrecciano coi suoni delle preghiere organizzate e di quella dei singoli credenti. Si entra al mattino e si esce alla sera, certi di aver immagazzinato uno spettacolo che resterà nella memoria. Bisogna assolutamente visitare questo monastero.
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