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the odessa port

  • 景点介绍
  • the odessa port
  • 景点印象
    • wka656 图标 图标 图标 图标

      ate at the Hotel there and at the little boat restaurant at the end of the dock...all great food and great prices just dontgo to eat at the Steak House on deribosovskaya st
    • AndersUA 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Odessa port is the city's heart and may be overlooked from number of sports - Shevchenko park, Primorsky boulevard, Mother-on-laws bridge, and obviously, from the Passenger terminal down the Potemkin stairsIt big, live and offers feelings of the distandt seas and islands to the city's menuAccess to the territory except of the passenger facility is restricted
    • petermax9 图标 图标 图标 图标

      you can lean on the railings and moodily stare at the cranes and gantrys and the oily black water. You can listen to the clanking of chains and the sound of coal being poured into ships' holds. You can hear the shouting and whistles of harbourmasters. You can watch rusty tubs with Cyrillic names getting up steam alongside the quays. If this does not appeal to you, go back to Wisconsin.
    • 987alexi 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Odessa passenger terminal is located some 10-15 minutes walking passing the most beautiful historic places. You have a chance to climb 192 steps of Potemkin Stairs known worldwide from the famous movie. For your comfort you may take an elevator (funiculaire). Reaching the top you can enjoy a dramatic view of the Odessa Bay. The best restaurants, cafes, boutiques are quite close. No need to hire a taxi or use public transportation. Plenty of opportunities to take pictures as you are surrounded by nice buildings and monuments. Whatever you need can be found there.The best time to visit is April- October.
    • rosie21NorthWales 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Quite a busy port, we arrived here on a cruise to the Black Sea and Istanbul, we were only here for a few hours but everybody seemed to enjoy the experience.
    • Chileno2013 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Odessa, is a normal city to visit with no so many sightseeing places or touristics places to go, but whats good about odessa is that you can walk across the coast line and watch so many beautiful places to take good pictures, visit odessa shouldnt take more than 3 days
    • jacek65 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The port itself is ordinary, with no special attractions. Definitely worth to buy a one hour boat trip along the coast. (7-8 $/person)
    • Mabeltherat 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Our cruise ship was the first in since the troubles began. We berthed very near the Potemkin stairs. There were a lot of locals out to welcome us in. We visited the art gallery in the city. Usually I'm not a great fan of Art galleries but the Museam of Fine Arts is well worth a visit. We also went to the Upensky Cathedral.Next it was the shevchenko Park and Obelisk commemorating the Unknown Mariner.If you have a chance to visit Odesa either by cruise ship or by other means you will get a very warm welcome. I recommend it.
    • Scott_M_From_Utah 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Took a boat ride around the bay. It was nice, very peaceful. They took us down along the coast to the Dolpinarium and back. If you are looking for some alone time with your spouse or significant other, this is perfect.
    • AlexanderLevichev 图标 图标 图标 图标

      In here you'll discover nice place to walk and just amaze on the sea, huge iron astonishing things - soviet legacy.
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