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museum of folk architecture and life

  • 景点介绍
  • museum of folk architecture and life
  • 景点印象
    • RogerHoveAdventurer 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A fascinating collection of historical wooden buildings gathered from around Ukraine. Particular highlights were 2 wooden churches each with three peaks. A lot of the farm houses are open and you get a real sense of life in the country for 150-300 years ago. A relaxing setting in the woods, I visited in light rain but stayed dry under the thick canopy. If you've never visited this type of museum before, it's a 5 star; Nothing is signed in English, no English is spoken but was well informed in my mid-level German by some friendly old ladies attending. I've been to some similar ones in Norway and Finland with good signage/English widely spoken which is why the four star.You can reach there from the centre on bus 19 and 39 (2 hror tram 2 and 10, which all go along vul. lychaskiva, you can board the bus at e.g. Vul. pidval'na by the assumption church..the museum is just off the 'Lviv in your pocket' map which you'll find all over the city- get off at the junction with via Mechinkova and walk up vul. nixhynskza. It's well signposted in English at the beginning, signs missing in the last 200 metres but just carry on the road with the woods and railings on the left. The map link from trip advisor is trustworthy.It's only a 15 minute walk down to Lychavis'kc Cemetry, so why not combine the two?
    • Usmikhnys 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The name of the museum is Shevchenkivskyi Hai, which means Shevchenko Grove - after the Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko. It's a lovely place to walk around on a fine day - it's an open-air museum where you'll see all kinds of Ukrainian houses from various regions of the country. Though the museum is quite far from the Old Town and the city centre, it is worth a visit.
    • celleo 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Museum is one of the most fascinating places to visit for lovers of Ukrainian culture. Despite being located in the suburbs of the city on Chernecha Gora Street, it is definitely worth a visit. Receiving direct funding from the city council as well as being in a nationalistic town, Shevchenkivsky Hay is the best preserved of all the folk museums in the country. There are currently more than 124 architectural monuments in the complex consisting of village houses, churches and farmsteads. The ancient folk art and style of housing is simply stunning. Another impressive factor about this landmark is that the price of admission is extremely cheap: UAH 10.00 for adults, UAH 5.00 for children & students, UAH 50.00 for general excursions, and UAH 20.00 for special excursions. It is open 7 days a week from 9a.m to 6p.m. To get there, you have the option of taking either bus 19 or 39. For more information, please consult the following website - www.skansen.lviv.ua
    • Larayna08 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This place is great. There are wooden houses from all over Ukraine that date back to the 1700s! There are amazing cathedrals and homes. I went in the winter, so it was a bit chilly, however it warmed up from the day before so the snow turned to slush. This was problem because my shoes were all wet from walking in the mixture of snow/water all day. I have seen photos from Spring and Summer and would recommend going during this time if you can. If not Winter is still awesome!! The houses are not open to see inside during the Winter months. Wear comfy shoes, plan to stay awhile, and walk a lot! This place is a must see. Don't miss out! Admission is about 15 grivna/adult + 10 grivna for taking photos (very cheap for Euro/USD tourists!!)
    • Eleonora_Lviv 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This place has a great collection of wooden houses from all over Western Ukraine. It's a nice place to have a picnic with friends since the nature is this area is just amazing!!!The best time to visit this place is of course Easter - they organise traditional games, handcraft workshops, singing, etc. Entry ticket price is about 1 EUR (10 UAH) that is more than reasonable for such a great place!
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