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  • 景点介绍
  • 沃龙佐夫宫
  • 景点印象
    • margusea_zvezda 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I absolutely think that this is one of must to do places in Crimea. Palace itself is nice, but for me, the garden around it is a gem! i would advice everybody, who is spendin vocation in that area, to take the excursion to Vorontsov! its undescribable. if you like nature, thas definetly nice experience. the only complains: bathrooms, prices...vizited in 2010
    • travelilnrose 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Walk through a parklike setting to reach Vorontsov Palace, built over a 20 year period from 1828-1848. Several architectural styles are nicely blended together to create the overall effect. Inside, tour nine rooms, each elegantly decorated. The palace is rich in history ~ this is where Churchill stayed during the Yalta Conference. This is definitely worth 60-90 minutes of your time.
    • Mickelange 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      you can get to this palace from two roads. it is a very beautiful palace and not to be missed. this castle contains several parts. the lower part and the garden are the best parts.the lower part of the castle contains several beautiful monuments of sleeping lions, beautiful scenery and nice gardens.the garden part is very beautiful, it contains a small lake with some ducks in it.to access the inside of the castle you need to buy tickets from the "kacca". there isn't much to see inside the castle. i didn't like it that much.if you do not like walking that much you can rent the small open bus for a small fee.
    • thepshap 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is a country house that grew over centuries of add-ons into a proper little palace. The house is sympathetic with well preserved or restored pannelling, some fine art and statuary and a few impressive rooms in the tour. The star is the cliff side site with terraces of paths and gardens in a walled complex. The ticket offices, of which there are a couple for differing purposes, are located quite a ways from the back entrance to the house which is both entrance and holding pen for the tours. Tours are in Russian, but move fairly quickly. Non flash photography is permitted, but you really need then to pick a quiet time or lag between tours to get a shot of anything interesting that does not have a queue of Ukrainain tourists waiting to take pictures of each other.
    • KristinaN168 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Great land mark to visit, take pictures. Was our first time in Crimea, great beautiful place, gorgeous architecture, wonderful views. me and my husband did not take tourist guided tour, we went ourselves by regular bus, was pretty easy to get there, had great time.
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