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the hill of glory (cerro de la gloria)

  • 景点介绍
  • the hill of glory (cerro de la gloria)
  • 景点印象
    • JohnO201 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A great place to see the wars fought by General San Martin... It gives you a great insight to how things were and the surrounding breathtaking view adds to it. A definitely must-visit place.
    • Markle_Markle 图标 图标 图标 图标

      After exhausting everything to see in Mendoza we went and had a look at the park and this monument. It was hardly worth the $20usd return taxi trip from our apartment. Nothing really around, most of the views are blocked by massive trees surrounding the monument. Don't even bother!
    • noaha921 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I usually would mostly complain about a place where you have to pay to go to the bathroom. Later on I found out I was scamed and you DON'T have to. Police should do something about the people sitting at the door charging tourists.The place itself was lovely, the view at night just stunning. I would recommend you to bring your camera and then print the pics because postcards were super expensive! and your own food too, they tried to charge us U$D 5 for a bottle of water!At sunset/night was beautiful but we were told it is also kinda dangerous, you have to go by car!
    • dinkydye 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This was a stop on the hop on, hop off open top bus, which was a mistake in the first place. If you want to see this site, do it on your own, don't be persuaded to do the open bus. We couldn't understand what it was all about (no English translation) but assumed it was a monument to the glorious war dead. The park itself is probably worth a visit, depending on how much time you've got, but this monument certainly didn't turn us on. Probably because we didn't really know what all the hype was about.
    • samandcookie 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Very nice tribute to a very special person to the people of Mendoza. I took the double decker bus from the Hyatt and it was only 45 pesos. My guide only spoke Spanish but I still enjoyed the trip very much.
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