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quebrada del rio condorito (condorito river's gorge)

  • 景点介绍
  • quebrada del rio condorito (condorito river's gorge)
  • 景点印象
    • 195franziskaw 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I Wenz there alone for Trekking but only for the North Balcony and the river because I arrived comparativley late; at 11:15 am with the Colectivo (the argentinian Omnibus). The Ranger at the Visitorcenter (where EVERY Visitor first has to get registrated) said it would take me 1 1/2 hs to get to the North Balcony, but it took me only 1h 10mins. After only seeing 2 Condors (You have to come much earlier to see lots of them) I continued to the river where I stayed for one hour instead of continuing to the South Balcony, because the spot was soooo beautiful and the water was so refreshing. The Sign marked 30mins but on the way down you need aprox. 20 and back 25 when you're a fit person! Unfortunatley none of the buses stoped when I wanted to go back to Córdoba, so I Tramped to Carlos Paz after 2hs of waiting an 3 buses passing by.
    • LuisGReyna 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I visited this place for the first time about 40 years ago and am still going there. In the meantime, there are a lot more condors to see, official trails, and one can not longer visit the water fall. The views are phenomenal. There is a short way to get there and a very long way. Both are worth the hikes. Bring water and food along (and sunscreen!!). There is a creek but since Pampa de Achala has a lot of cows, I would be worry of drinking the water without a good filter (In fact.. I think a cheap water filter is a nice thing to have when hiking in general). Whichever way you pick to access the quebrada, go to the South side. The views are astonishing. Take your time and watch these huge birds.
    • matiasherranz 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      If you are thinking of making a mountain hike without the need of a profesional guide, that may just be the perfect choice for you.The natural landscape is spectacular, you can see the Condors, take a hike to the river canon and all that following the perfectly marked paths.
    • 41DebraD 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Condors are ugly birds up close but when viewed gliding effortlessly through the sky they are inspiring. This park is well maintained and has an interesting educational display at the registration centre. It is an easy pleasant hike down to the condor viewing platform and a beautiful experience to see the birds sweeping their way through the gorge. The nests are identified by the stain of white droppings on the rocks and the birds can be seen bouncing their heads and flapping their wings as other birds arrive at the nest. The walk down to the bridge over the river, close to the waterfalls is an easy downward trek however it is a challenging climb out. If you are fit it is exhilarating and even if you take it as a slow trek back up the gorge the views and condors make sore quads worth the effort. You need to take plenty of water and it is windy across the open spaces at the top if the gorge. There are many other friendly birds to see along the way. A fabulous experience.
    • lopez_consu 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      3 hs walking. You are in the middle of condor's houses. You can see them flying. View is really awesome. If you like trekking, you must go there. Is really great and is nature!
    • 357agustinr 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Es un parque nacional bastante poco promocionado! 100% recomendable. Para ir a acampar el lugar es muy ameno. En una travesía de fin de semana se puede visitar todo el parque.
    • Guidojserale 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Este lugar es muy hermoso para ir a recorrerlo, tanto el balcón sur que es mas fácil y el balcón norte que cuesta un poco mas, el balcón sur donde por ultimo se llega a un mirador donde esta los cóndores y una vista magnifica son de dos hs de caminata en subida, si bien es una linda caminata un poco dura, cuando fui había niños y también gente de avanzada edad, se les recomienda llevar agua, al menos un litro por persona minimamente ya que solo podrán cargarla en donde están los baños en el comienzo del recorrido. El balcón norte tiene mayor dificultad y son unas tres hs de recorrido, también la quebrada tiene varios lugares donde armar la carpa para ir a pasar el día ahí. se les recomienda también llevar comida para ir comiendo en el camino y gorra ya que son caminatas bajo el sol, ropa y calzado cómodo! Un lugar que hay q conocer en córdoba y los cóndores son hermosos ademas del paisaje que parece q estas caminando en las nubes. Si vas en colectivo van dos empresas nada mas.Una que se llama coata y otra ciudad de córdoba salen las dos de la terminal.
    • luisag483 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Vale la pena di dedicare una mezza giornata a questo Parco Nazionale camminando per la sierra e percorrendo almeno i 6 km. di sentiero che partono dall'entrata del parco fino al raggiungimento del Balcon Norte,punto di avvistamento dei Condor.Il sentiero si snoda su un altipiano ( tra i 1.900 e 2.300 mt.slm.)dagli ampi orizzonti.Lungo il percoso è facile avvistare oltre ai Condor,anche altri tipi di animali.Non è faticoso ed è molto piaceevole anche per la varietà di fiori e piante che costellano il percorso.
    • JavierW792 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      El parque nacional está bastante escondido, hay un cartel muy chico que señala el ingreso después de una curva en la ruta de las altas cumbres de Córdoba. A partir de el edificio de los guardaparques se puede hacer una linda caminata por un sendero muy bien marcado hasta la quebrada del río Condorito, donde hay varios miradores para observar el lindísimo paisaje y también cóndores sobrevolando la quebrada. Son aprox. 5 horas para ir y volver, pero vale la pena. Ojo que si hay muchas nubes probablemente no van a poder ver nada, recomiendo ir un día despejado.
    • Na25_13 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      El parque Nacional Qiebrada del condorito es ideal para conectar con la naturaleza.Se puede llegar en vehiculo propio o mediante bus desde la terminal de Cordoba.No cobra entrada y dentro del parque no hay ningun servicio.Posee zona de camping agreste.Se puede hacer avistaje de Condores :)
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