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  • 景点介绍
  • 萨梅帕塔城塞
  • 景点印象
    • ChristopherF946 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Lots to see! The site is cared for nicely, both at the rock and at the tourist center. The carvings are interesting, and the viewing path is well done.I went on a very overcast day with thick, blowing, ground-level clouds, which took away from the vistas but added a feeling of mysticism to the experience.The 6km dirt access road to the site was in the process of being asphalted when I visited. Only a few hundred meters of road was paved, the rest was frighteningly slippery mud that day. I say frighteningly because of the sheer drop-offs at the edge of the road, with no protections other than driver's skill preventing one from sliding off the road and becoming one more small cross and shrine at the wayside.
    • colincclark 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Samaipata fort is interesting, pretty easy to walk around, and well maintained. The 2km+ walk around the fort might not be accessible for disabled travelers, but it was certainly the cleanest and best preserved area that we have seen so far in Bolivia. The English information was OK, but could have been improved - but the map and the route layout was excellent and allowed the imagination to fire. It is easy to get to from town, just get a taxi to take you and wait for 2 hours while you walk around the fort. They even have guides on hand for an extra cost, but we felt that this was unnecessary. A must see if in Eastern Bolivia.
    • Wolloknollo 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A friendly taxi driver offered me to take me to the ruins and wait for two hours for a price of 100bs - it's not the worst offer, but you still have to pay entrance for the ruins. For foreigners they charge 50bs - which is much more than locals pay. I can understand that, but I also feel a bit disappointed about that price policy - it just leaves you with a bitter taste. The ruins themselves were okay, but not really overwhelming. The landscape is nicer, I think. Which brings me to my conclusion: if you spend time in Samaipata, rather go for one or the various day tours they offer all over the place. They may be a bit more pricey, but certainly more interesting!
    • JulesTravelling88 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I've been in Samaipata quite some time, and had never really been that interested in visiting, I think the fact they charge more for foreigners than locals a little biased (it's Bs50 - $7.25) to get in. Only go if the weather is good. Otherwise you will end up cold,wet and dirty even, somewhere along the trail, and you won't get to see as much, the clouds can literally hang over the place, at 1700m.I went on a bright sunny day as a friend wanted to see it, it was a pleasant walk, a fine afternoon, but I have been more impressed with other attractions around this planet. The information is sparse and in places I think assumptive, you can and perhaps should do more research on the place before visiting, to save the additional cost of a guide. I have also heard that different guides tell different stories - so you may be getting as much real information as CNN ;)All in all - for those paying for a taxi there, entrance and a guide, you'll be spending as much or more than some locals earn in a week! It's of course, up to you.
    • 410garys 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      wow.. this site is a well preserved archaeological spot and nice spot to spend a day and worth paying a cab to get there. besides it is very quiet place with no crowds. we had a guide, glad we had to undertand what really this place was.
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