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museo arqueologico de la universidad

  • 景点介绍
  • museo arqueologico de la universidad
  • 景点印象
    • N4TVQ 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Interesting but hardly special. Photography is not allowed so obtaining reference material is difficult. Two prices for entrance one for tourist ans a much lower price for nationals, just another way to fleece tourists.
    • Jose_NL 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Simple but nice and informative. old school almost, but worth a visit. Intriguing collection of mummies
    • Details234 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I had Little time to visit it but I found so important information in a short time.There are impressive mummies, the kind that you cannot see in other countries.....If you are interested in Archeology you cannot skip to go to Cochabamba to see this museum.
    • tgallag2 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This museum was very well laid out from dinosaur bones to more recent times. The guide spoke broken English with a heavy accent, but we could understand almost everything. He was super knowledgeable about all aspects of the displays which were very well organized. Several actual mummies were preserved and on display including details on how and why they were buried as they were.
    • PatriciaC812 图标 图标 图标 图标

      To me, the most impressive archeological collection in Bolivia. Everything from millions of years ago to the Conquista. Fossils, mammoth bones, potteries from the various periods of Bolivian history, mummies, etc. Set in an old university building with squeaky wooden floors, which ads to the charm. If you speak Spanish, ask for Rene as a guide, he is wonderful. There is no extra charge for the guide.
    • 008bond 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Un lugar que demuestra la riqueza de nuestra tierra y la historia a través de los tiempos. Muchas reliquias arqueológicas para conocer y brillante explicación de profesionales sobre el tema. Ubicado en pleno centro de la ciudad. Eso sí no se permite el parqueo de vehículos por ser zona restringida.Fascinante
    • padrao2013 图标 图标 图标 图标

      atento aos horários de funcionamento não deixe de visitar pois tem muita cultura de mais de 1000 anos e objetos raros encontrados em escavações. Tem muitas fotos e um guia que expilca tudo sobre a cultura Boliviana, Pode tirar fotos para guardar como recordação. Vale tirar muitas...
    • ErasmoRodrigues 图标 图标 图标 图标

      local legal para um fim de tarde com a familia e com conhecimento de historia local e internacional.
    • hanyjans 图标 图标 图标 图标

      O museu possui peças arqueológicas importantes para o resgate da história das antigas etnias de diversas regiões da bolívia, entretanto, a organização do material não parecia o adequado.
    • Tanya_D_P 图标 图标 图标 图标

      El museo en sí, no es más impresionante que otros. Está muy bien cuidado pero la información y las instalaciones están un poco viejas. Sin embargo, las afueras del Museo son muy lindas, un camino lleno de árboles al ingresar y lindos espacios verdes marcan la diferencia con este museo.
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