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  • 景点介绍
  • 胡塔哈伊遗址
  • 景点印象
    • cailebotte 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We couldn't get enough of the sunset here and came 3 times during our week in Easter Island. It was different every time and always majestic. don't miss it!
    • toireasastrong 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It's easy to imagine life here when the structures were being erected. While you can visit the site independently, an expert guide will bring the experience to life. The location on the ocean is breathtaking on sunny days. Some days locals set-up tables near the parking lot and sell handicrafts and carvings. We visited twice and each time found something new and amazing.
    • erical2013 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Review with photos: http://shrimp2.pixnet.net/blog/post/105929531Ahu Tahai is very close to Honga Roa, around 15 min walk.You could get an amazing sunset photos. Recommend that you may come here around 6pm, then see these moais when the sun goes down. Also you could purchase some drinks in Hanga Roa then cheers with Ahu Tahai.Oh, keep the trash off the groud :)
    • Ibadanboy 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Ahu Tahai has the distinct advantage of being one of the closest Moai sites to the town center in Hanga Roa. Less than 10 minutes walk from the center, you get a wonderful encounter with the Moai. These are inward facing Moai backing the sea. They are literally on the coastline. Sunset views from here are spectacular. Picture perfect postcard photographs. You will keep coming back for more because you just can't get enough. This is a MUST-SEE. Most highly recommended.
    • MiamiAlan 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      June can be cloudy. You might have to wait a day or two for the right cloud conditions for a great sunset...but it is worth it. Easy drive from town with typical Rapa Nui dirt road at end. I found iphones and ipads captured at better sunset shot then my expensive Canon. In the middle of the site is a boat ramp. There are structures there that the locals hid their chickens during times when they might be stolen. The group of people that come are a mixture of locals and tourists. You know if locals come it must be good. Steve our Hotel owner from Chez Steve would tell us be there at 6:45 (for June) and it was a perfect time. From there into Hanga Roa (town) was relatively well lit and you can comfortably get back to where you are staying or diner after dark.
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