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nao victoria museo

  • 景点介绍
  • nao victoria museo
    The Nao Victoria Museum is a private museum. It aims to provide a real...
  • 景点印象
    • Blaw10 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Although its a bit out of the way, they have very interesting reproductions of Magellen's ship and a few others (and you can watch them building one of Darwin's ship). The employees were very nice and helpful (called a cab to get us back down town, etc.)
    • Gregory11217 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Remarkable reproductions of four historic ships-- the Beagle, Magellan's ships... Top attraction in town. Some of history is a little fudged, but an earnest and worthwhile effort.
    • 769emb 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This mini maritime museum is testament to one man's passion. He's building replicas of vessels significant in the history of Punta Arenas. He's done 3 already, including the fabulous Nao Victoria, and is partway through Darwin's HMS Beagle. You can wander around the vessels and really get a sense of how tough life on board would have been. There are costumes and props to try and even a audio tour.
    • GJS_12 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This museum is stunning. An absolute world-class attraction. It's not really a musuem as one might know them. In fact it's more of a shipyard. Right now the team are rebuilding HMS Beagle. And as you enter the site, there she is - without masts at the moment - to scale and exactly as Charles Darwin and Captain Fitzroy would have known it. Extraordinary. And as if that's not enough, right alongside is the Victoria (nao being a type of vessel), the first ship to go round the world and the flagship of Magellan. This is no stuffy museum where you can't approach the displays. Not at all. You can walk right aboard, and all around. The Victoria's to scale, and would be immediately familiar to Magellan. And there it is, in Punta Arenas, ignored by most tourists. It's enough to make one despair, that such brilliance is not recognized. And if that isn't enough, there, on the foreshore, is the James Caird, reconstructed and rebuilt as it was when Shackleton sailed it in one of history's most epic sea-voyages to South Georgia. And there's one other ship to see there as well. In any main city in the world, these exhibits would pull in hundreds of thousands of visitors a year. Whether you like ships or not, I rate this as a must-see in Punta Arenas. It will be very cold, wet maybe, certainly windy, but if you wrap up warmly, you'll enjoy the education. We came off a cruise ship and took the local bus there, from the city centre to right outside the yard. But a taxi is probably the easiest way, and maybe you could hold it as an hour the yard will probably suffice. In any event, please consider this visit. And a quick aside, especially if you've now seen the James Caird, when in town go for a drink and light lunch in the Shakleton Bar, connected to the Sara Braun palace, just by the main square in town. It's lovely, and Shakleton's story is told in the many paintings on the wall.
    • swedeWexford 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Visited this attraction in 2013 and was really impressed. It does not receive the publicity it deserves and it really is an ongoing project that deserves recognition. The Victoria is fascinating and to see the James Caird - excellent. The Beagle is now up to deck level and going well. This whole visitor experience is SERIOUSLY IMPRESSIVE - Very well worth the visit. What an undertaking and it really does give an impression of how our seafarers survived in the past. Congratulations to all concerned on a Superb Project - Just has to be supported.... EXCELLENT
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