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mercado fluvial de valdivia

  • 景点介绍
  • mercado fluvial de valdivia
  • 景点印象
    • Pabbichile 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Selling fresh produces for the land and sea. Fish and shellfish very fresh and they deliver it to your wishes. Fillet, Steaks or what ever you desire. Vegetables also great and not forgetting the cheese. A bit expensive but very interesting with the Sea lions and pelicans.
    • ninebanks 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The fish market is fascinating but undoubtedly the highlight are the huge sea lions. They come up to feed of scraps and waste from fish market -best method of recycling I have seen in a while. The traders will feed them so you can get a great close up picture (my wife had to be warned as she was taking a picture and one appeared behind her!) The fish market is one side and the other fruit and vegetable. Very lively and definitely worth a visit
    • Malice6 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We came here with a tour group and really enjoyed this slice of local life. The fish market was fascinating and a real treat for seafood lovers. So many interesting fish and shellfish that we are mot used to seeing in the U.S.Coupled with springtime farm produce this made for a colorful hour of local life. Fish mongers were busy filleting and throwing scraps to a huge sea lion perched on a close by ledge. This was the closest encounter with a sea lion we have had. Also pelicans and other sea birds were numerous and close.Obviously different from our fish markets: no ice or refrigeration and raw seafood products were being handled with bare human hands and placed on wooden counters,
    • csierras 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Sin ser algo asombroso, se puede disfrutar caminando por unos 15 o 20 minutos. Lo mas interesante es tomar un taxi fluvial y recorrer toda la parte norte, pasar por debajo de los puentes y si tienes suerte de tener un buen guia (el conductor de la lancha), aprenderás mucho de la historia de la ciudad.
    • 870gabrielas 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Este mercado fluvial funciona todos los días en la costanera del río Valdivia, a pocos pasos del centro y de la plaza. Es muy limpio, no hay malos olores. El pescado muy fresco, los vegetales son de la región. Se disfruta a los lobos marinos que son alimentados por los feriantes. Al lado del mercado está hay un péndulo de Foucault, donado por los científicos de Valdivia. Explica y prueba la rotación de la tierra. El paseo por la costanera es precioso y también se puede ir al centro y al Mercado Artesanal.
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