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teatro castro alves

  • 景点介绍
  • teatro castro alves
  • 景点印象
    • Lyn49006 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We were privileged to listen and watch the symphony practice then had a tour of the facility. It was a very modern auditorium and they were rebuilding the outdoor amphitheater as well as other areas. It was interesting to see this facility this way.
    • ElianeM919 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Built in 1957 and with inauguration to July 14th 1958, 5 days before the inauguration there was a major fire that damaged almost all the theatre. Reconstruction began with slow steps and after 9 years closed the reopening was in March 4th 1967. After numerous successful concerts, closed again in 1989 to refurbishing reopening only in 1993.The Castro Alves Theater complex, located in the central city of Salvador,near Campo Grande Square, has in its main hall 1,554 seats, one of the largest and best equipped theaters in the Americas, as well as a small theater - the choir room with 197 seats, an acoustic shell for the great spectacles, which includes more than 5,000 spectators, large Foyer, Center for Memory, rehearsal rooms, Hanging Garden, Clearance and Technical Center, which gives support for their productions and other performing arts of the state in terms of creation and construction of sets, costumes and props.
    • Que_Caminho 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I saw 1 MPB performance and really enjoyed it, the acoustics in the theater were great and the seats are stacked to allow you a view of the stage wherever you are. I was practically at the second last row at the back, but still had great sound and sight of the stage.
    • bizisyl 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This theatre has definitely seen better days but it is worth checking what shows are on as you might get the chance of seeing some wonderful local music performers.
    • brasilboy 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The second level you need binoculars. Acoustics need revision and sound quality is below par. The only stage in town to accomadate an orchestra or ballet. So be it!
    • Veleiro 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Modernist architecture from the late fifties with a tragical history of two fires.But even if not that much into modernist architecture of the last century, this theater has a few interesting elements. From the Campo Grande Square, it looks rather modest. But if you see it from the other side, it's totally different with its intelligent use of the hilly location and introducing a giant shell shaped open air arena with over 5000 seats. Inside there are always a few exhibitions going on, perfect for escaping a few minutes the Bahian heat. And why not pick up a performance? Culture is nearly the only thing in Brazil that's cheaply priced. 20 Rs for a normal performance. And if you are lucky, or clever, you can get free entrances. Try during daytime the little office in front of the theater and ask if there are free tickets available for the same evening. If yes, you can use these vouchers to obtain your real ticket through the bilheteria at the left side of the TCA. But the ticket shop only opens from noon on!
    • Ribeiromb 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Teatro moderno e que recentemente aderiu à venda pela internet. Além da sala principal existe uma sala para pequenas produções, sala do coro, é uma Concha acústica. Localizado em uma linda praça. O teatro tem um programa de espetáculos bem interessantes, mas poderia ser melhor.
    • Dantetal 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      É um teatro moderno (não é antigão, não é nada barroco) e por isso só justifica visitá-lo para ver alguma apresentação. Não vale a visita para conhecer as dependências. Eu fui assistir à peça chamada "1,99". As cadeiras são confortáveis e marcadas. Vale a pena comprar uma mais próxima ao palco. Eu tive um pouco de dificuldade para escutar e ver o movimento do palco porque estava nas cadeiras do fundo.
    • samyleiro 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Fui no teatro assistir a um show beneficente da Banda Eva, show perfeito num lugar muito bom. Sempre que posso vou assistir um peça
    • Alisson461 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Salvador tem um lindo teatro castro alves, me kembrou muito ao de fortaleza José de Alencar...ccheio de plantas deixando a entrada mais harmoniosa e excelente localização vake a pena conhecer
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