
  • 景点介绍
  • andoke
    Let yourself be seduced by nature at Ankoke!!. In this butterfly park...
  • 景点印象
    • ashleyr740 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A lovely butterfly farm and the perfect way to spend a few hours in Cali! The host is incredibly pleasant and patient, allowing lots of time for photos and explaining everything you could want to know about the flora and fauna. You can hold caterpillars and cocoons. The cocoon I held actually moved and jiggled! The whole area is set up as a garden with creative and unique art and an awesome 3D map of Colombia. Be sure to bring a few thousand pesos for the jewelery they sell at the end. Beautiful necklaces, bracelets and earrings made from real butterfly wings (and don't worry, the butterflies died of natural causes :).
    • 82germanb 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Andoke butterfly farm is probably the least known (and best of) Cali's many surprises. If you are looking for a striking collection of zoo creatures at a structured and accessible location, you should run to the city zoo, which is conveniently located as close major city traffic as you can imagine. But if you prefer an intimate experience with nature, one that is full of organic beauty, then you should take to the nearby hills leading to Cristo Rey, and veer off into a half-mile-long twisting and unpaved road leading to this secluded place. It's been built with artful creativity over a period of more than two decades by Maria and Alejandro. They are the inspired (and inspiring) couple responsible for a unique place that kept me wishing I had more than one full day to visit. It is advertised as a butterfly farm, but it is much more than that. It combines nature, art, creativity and hands-on learning, with opportunity to go at your own pace, and having time for careful observation, reflection, and even meditation. You don't need special walking shoes in this two-acres or so park.The entire place has been molded with mossy stones, plants and flowers of all kinds. There is a scaled map of Colombia made of stone that you can climb over and explore. Butterflies belonging to nearly two-dozen species fly around three levels of space beautifully arranged for a most relaxing experience. Every corner deserves enough time for careful attention; you get the sense you are visiting someone's home (nature's home). A striking collection of local birds visit this location, attracted by its tropical fruit offerings, the benign and colorful insects, the many water fountains, and the Noah’s Ark environment appeal to every living creature. Hummingbirds flutter in front of you while quietly resting on a hammock, among mini biosphere experiments adorning the wooden structure that has been set up for observation. And then, most importantly, there is the human component, which is a perfect match for everything else. Maria is a patient guide whose loving entanglement with nature is contagious. Alejandro is a wood sculptor, in addition to the architect to this nature mini park and the house where the couple lives. This is a place to rush to, not rush through!
    • Peterpaez 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Friendly people (especially Rocio), nice way to learn about butterflies even you can touch them! It's really close to the city.
    • 441tatianat 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Beautiful place where children and adults alike can learn about the life cycle of butterflies and hummingbirds. Warm and welcoming owners Alejo and Maria, creators of this natural heaven ! My children spent hours entertained while learning and playing. This is an inspiring place that shows us how we can transform a piece of dry land into a place beaming with life!
    • bodhidhanm 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Alejandro and Maria Carmen have created a garden of Eden out of a steep patch of bare earth. At every corner are new discoveries and new delights, every detail brings a smile to your face. This is a place created and maintained with love and it shows! The use of recycled materials - wood, bottles, even old bicycle wheels to create plant mobiles, is inspiring. Primarily it is a place of education and inspiration for the kids of Cali but everyone is welcome to enjoy the hummingbirds (14 species recorded), butterflies and plants. The topographical, walk-through map of Colombia with mountains, rivers and animals is also a delight. This is a remarkable place created by remarkable people! Unmissable!
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