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darwin bay

  • 景点介绍
  • darwin bay
  • 景点印象
    • TessiR 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Genovesa and Darwin Bay was our 1st full day stop on our tour of The Galapagos. We'd cruised overnight from Baltra. It was breathtaking to wake up and see we were anchored in the middle of this sunken caldera with beautiful cliffs and beach. We spotted small sharks jumping near our boat as they fed. Such a range of wildlife - birds, sea lions, etc. Getting onto Prince Phillip Steps was challenging with the waves and tide, but so worth it! Nesting birds everywhere! Then we went to the beach on the other side of the island. Lots of sea lions were laying about or swimming in a lovely lagoon. You can wade to a back area to view more nesting birds. One sad note: there is graffiti on some of the cliff near the beach! What a shameful reminder of human impact. Snorkeling was not good on the day of our visit. the water was too rough due to wind and tides. We felt lucky to visit this remote, magical place! It's not on many itineraries. It was a unique experience.
    • lrb88888888 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This was our first island stop after San Cristobel and I wasn't expecting to be blown away like I was. I'm not a 'birdy' person, but the amount and variety of the birds on this island is incredible. Red footed boobies, nazca boobies, frigate birds with their amazing red pouches, short-eared owls, etc, etc. It ended up being my favourite island of all (we did Itinerary B ecoventura cruise). We were there beginning of October and there was only 1 other boat anchored in the bay. We spent time snorkelling around the edge of the caldera and this was one of the better snorkelling sites of the trip. Fabulous!
    • qc51411 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I was continually blown away by the extraordinary natural beauty we encountered in the Galapagos Islands. By the last day of the trip I was thinking I had seen the bulk of what Galapagos had to offer and I was not necessarily expecting to be wowed. Genovesa Island was the best of all the islands we went to (even better than Espanola). It is called 'bird island' for a reason. Many of the most beautiful birds in the Galapagos Islands reside on this island and in large numbers. There were frigate birds, red footed boobies, nazca boobies and swallow tail gulls everywhere. Later on at another landing site on Genovesa (Prince Phillip's steps) we saw short-eared owls, and large numbers of frigate birds, red footed boobies, nazca boobies, and storm petrels. We were fortunate to visit this island as many boats cannot go here because the caldera of the island is too small for large boats. If you get a chance to request your itinerary (which you mostly don't) make sure Genovesa is on the list.
    • 824marc 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Que decir, fue maravilloso, el viaje en barco a la vuelta fue muy movido, el único consejo sería que busquen un buen servicio de traslado. De ida el capitán me dejo conducir el barco!!! Un grosso! en el paseo se conocen innumerables cantidades de aves, animales marinos, paisajes, playas, etc, etc...
    • marcb84 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Jamais autant vu d'oiseaux et qui ne s'échappent pas quand n les approche à moins de deux mètres, le spectacles est fascinant, nous ne pouvons qu être admiratifs pour ce sue peut procurer un tel spectacle, il y a la plage, toute petite ou l on peut se baigner avec les lions de mer, et la balade guidée au milieu de la végétation ou les oiseaux nichent par milliers
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